Sentences with phrase «daily anxiety»

I suffered from daily anxiety and panic attacks almost every day for over 20 years.
But in the eternal sense, it is a silent daily anxiety.
But, for those normal, daily anxiety moments (like vet visits) rest assured there are some easy things you can do right now to help your stressed out pup.
Their calming effect, makes them perfect for reducing daily anxieties.
Recent research has found that 72 per cent of Americans experiencing daily anxiety say it interferes with their work and personal lives.
Tea extract that balances daily anxiety, improves sleep patterns and helps prevent cholesterol - related damage.
The yoga and meditation program that Namaste created for me enabled me to heal my chronic back pain and find relief from daily anxieties.
Even from the prison cells of all our daily anxieties, the Church lifts our spirits as we reflect upon what the Christ means for the world.
Life can sometimes throw you into a seemingly chaotic and pretty confusing place, bringing on daily anxieties and a host of blindsided circumstances.
His films, which are concerned with the daily anxieties and struggles of ordinary Americans, tend to be concise and unambiguous without being easy to categorise.
There, she found herself released from the daily anxieties of caring for her own property and free to settle in to her remaining years.
I have a dog who suffers from daily anxiety, obsessive licking, and excessive barking.
And it would mean subjecting herself to the daily anxiety of walking an unpredictable dog in a neighborhood with a lot of children.
Ultimately, «vacation space» is a non-space, as it exists between one's everyday life and the life one hopes to live (or in the Foucauldian sense of heterotopia, it is an in - between space of otherness that offers a means of escape from daily anxieties).
I've joined OpenBazaar simply because of the daily anxiety of not having it.
In fact, I actually believe my sometimes drawing habit could be a daily anxiety - relieving exercise if only I had the right tools.
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