Sentences with phrase «daily discipline»

You are not made to endure daily discipline and deprivation.
You are not made to endure daily discipline and deprivation.
And yet the encroachment of due process into daily discipline decisions has undermined all three.
It's not very hard actually, but it will require some planning, thinking it through and constant daily discipline which is much harder than eating that would give you pleasure at that moment.
There's a simple strategy that allows you to stay below your personal threshold WITHOUT daily discipline, precise calorie counting, or giving up any of your favorite foods.
She has taken on «simple daily discipline, rules, and restrictions to purify myself.»
«This performance came from my desire to see if it is possible to use daily discipline, rules and restriction to purify myself.»
If writers treat NaNo as it was intended — that is, as simply a challenge and a way to try something that will require daily discipline — it actually stands to be a very powerful tool towards becoming a better author.
You are not made to endure daily discipline and deprivation.
But watch them in action and it becomes clear that they've made explicit trade - offs, with the aim of weaving idea generation into a daily discipline.
Just as you may have a daily discipline for keeping in good physical shape or for making sure your business is on track for the day, you and your team must have daily discipline for putting your head in the right space.
I suspicion that becoming more like Jesus has more to do with how we show up in our right - now lives, in our daily disciplines and in our choices, than it does with a fit of one - time spectacular - ness.
The man of prayer, with his daily discipline, is equally explicit and deliberate.
We have the practice of Ashtanga Yoga today because of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois's unwavering dedication to sharing his wisdom with every student willing to put in the hard work of daily discipline.
Create a set of effective RESULTS - DRIVEN «daily disciplines» that will jump start your progress and catapult you in the right direction.
If you prefer the daily discipline and structure of traditional diets, you would not appreciate the freedom of Eat Stop Eat...
When beginning a yoga practice, it's natural to aim for results: perfect posture, peace of mind, daily discipline — because this is what we are often promised.
Mark - to - market enforces the daily discipline of exchanges profit and loss between open futures positions eliminating any loss or profit carry forwards that might endanger the clearinghouse.
For her, getting into the taxi is her daily discipline.
Daily discipline is the key here.
Social media and social selling like any great sales strategy is best applied as a daily discipline and the study confirmed this.
The daily discipline makes it transformative.
It gives great ideas for all your daily discipline and behavior problems.
In both private sessions and certification program you receive a daily discipline so negative experiences end because you cultivate wisdom and anchor deeper into wholeness.
To avoid the peaks and valleys of the sales cycle, it takes smart prospecting strategies and a commitment to daily discipline to avoid those dry spells.
I never wanted my kids to have more memories of «cleaning days» and «chores» than of regular family fun and I really liked teaching them about the rewards of hard work and daily discipline.
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