Sentences with phrase «daily normal life»

You want to outfit fresh and refreshing and not look like your daily normal life is a complete chaos.
Many people think that married women daily normal life is boring and quite often they do not know what to provide themselves to and don't hook up with contacts and other people.
The real truth is, daily normal life is only just beginning at 55.

Not exact matches

A seemingly small act — returning to normal, daily life after tragedy — takes a great deal of courage.
More than six months after Hurricane Maria, daily life in Castañer, Puerto Rico, is nowhere close to normal as residents try to deal with the effects of trauma, chronic stress and the continued lack of electricity.
«It's normal for there to be family conflicts, but when you add the stress of more than five months without power, without food, living patterns change... it makes it harder for people to manage daily life,» Santana Mariño told the newspaper.
File storage is a normal part of our daily work lives, but now the perception of our mobile users is that we have freed their data,» he says.
Another person said that Tamerlan returned to the normal tasks of daily life that week: he went to Whole Foods at one point, and to a park with his daughter at another.
I think that the golden rule is meant to be a guideline to follow when it comes to normal people in your daily lives, not murderers and rapists ect.
As for your own personal experience, you say that you had the normal fight for independence which characterizes healthy teen - agers, that you loved your parents but welcomed escape from their daily supervision, that you are now on your own and outwardly in charge of your life, but this, you say, does not solve the problem of conformity.
Gnosticism has a long heritage of nasty judgments about the corruption of our bodies, our eating habits, our daily chores, our normal lives.
In any case, the life of faith is being daily challenged and tested afresh in the decisions and crises, both great and small, of which normal life consists.
Social patterns from everyday life tend to be taken for granted in worship; i.e., what is normal in daily life becomes normal in worship.
If you were my pastor I would be thanking God daily — I can not imagine how many young people under you will grow up and have normal, meaningful lives that don't preclude they have an «us and them» idea about the world — now that's freeing.
The Community of St Anselm, which offers residential and non-residential options, aims to build «a community that loves and grows and prays amid the pressures of normal daily life
It would be an intentional daily focus, as I become more aware of the people that I meet in the normal course of life.
Will he only wait until he is «normal» again, that is, absorbed by his interest in research and his daily life?
The holiday season is almost over, but before we all go back to our normal daily lives there's New Year's Eve to celebrate.
The idea for Bloom was born out of a desire to create a community where the pursuit of health and happiness is a normal part of daily life.
Although it's normal to go through a transition period of having some «baby blues» in the first few weeks after having a baby, any feelings of depression, mood swings, or irritability and anxiety that interfere with a woman's daily life beyond six weeks postpartum are not normal.
For millennia, people have worn their babies tied to them with simple wraps or slings to keep the baby close and still attend to the normal activities of daily life.
My 3rd pregnancy a yr later went great normal pregnancy but 2 months before I had my son I had a staph infection but I was free of a staph infection when he was born but the nurses found out my joy turned to a living nightmare no nurse would take care of me my son wasn't allowed in the nursery only good thing that came out of it but me being a epileptic I needed daily medication for my seizures my ob / gyn for some unknown reason told me to bring my meds from home not normal procedure its against hospital rules but I did as he told me and thank god I did or I would have died my sons nurses were the only nurses I saw my whole weekend in the hospital they could only take my vitals and give me the basics pain meds & stool softener they fed me too if not for them I would have starved they brought me my hospital food its dangerous for a epileptic after birth to be denied food meds and regular monitoring because stress from the birth could make me seize but they didn't my ob told them flat out I was not infected and to remove me from isolation but they refused.
«We know the invaluable job the City of Utica Police Department does protecting and serving our community daily and we're honored that these outstanding men and women will continue their commitment outside of their normal working hours to volunteer their time in making a positive difference in the lives of our youth,» Picente said.
Gathering and processing data on this scale — data obtained from people who are going about normal daily life rather than being tested in a laboratory — is the true potential of ResearchKit.
At this moment, human volunteers at three different U.S. sites have given up 25 percent of normal daily calories to test whether the less - food, longer - life phenomenon applies to people as well.
«It's important to distinguish between normal memory lapses and significant memory problems, which usually change over time and affect multiple aspects of daily life
Researchers from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania instead studied six healthy young male volunteers to collect physiological information as they went about their normal daily lives.
One research study concludes that normal cognitive aging can be differentiated from dementia simply by assessing the ability to perform activities of daily living.
We also got to try a bunch of treatments that we would never be able to try in the normal course of daily life as moms.
This Program was created to help you develop a regular Fitness and Exercise Program as part of your normal daily activities in your life.
Of course, there is a lot more research needed for this to be anywhere close to relevant to our normal daily lives, but this experiment proves that it is indeed possible to create a quick drug that would block our myostatin production and allow us to mimic the effects of exercise on our bodies, even when we're not moving off the couch.
Discover what it means to have a healthy working pelvic system for your daily life — from normal bladder function to pain free intimacy.
Slumber Blast (everyday retail price - $ 27)- The 30 - day event that helps you get to sleep more easily, have more energy, think clearer, improve recovery, combat insomnia, & feel better overall in your everyday life... all without having to resort to prescription medications or making drastic changes to your normal regular daily schedule.
Men and women in their 90's were seen leading normal active lives, including daily swimming in the ocean and even horseback riding.
Epinephrine, another hormone, also plays a part in normal daily life, though in a much lesser degree.
(My guess is that he crushed something like a 1/4 cup of them daily for a few weeks in addition to his scary normal diet, didn't notice any immediate weight loss, and then furiously swore off them for life.)
Toxins such as sodium, alcohol, nicotine, cholesterol and carcinogenic heavy metals (like arsenic and mercury in my case that are «high normal») accumulate in the body during modern daily life.
However, irritable bowel syndrome has a bad effect on the patient's daily life; for example; patients with frequent diarrhea have a difficulty going to their jobs and performing their normal life activities.
The participants selected had to have similar physical ability, assessed with the activities of daily living (ADL) score, and normal cognitive function or only mild cognitive disturbance as defined by a Mini-Mental State Examination > 20 (18).
But the stress - coping demands of 21st century living can wreak havoc on this normal circadian rhythm, disrupting our ability to sleep through the night, focus on our work, and take life's daily challenges in stride.
Despite normal thyroid levels, a significant group of treated patients continued to experience exercise intolerance and were suffering from limitations in daily and sport activities as well as an impaired quality of life.
Although 90 % report suffering from PMS in our lives, and 40 % of women say its shitty enough to interfere with our daily lives - having excessively painful or bothersome periods is NOT normal.
Unless they occur so frequently that they interfere with daily life, these little lapses are probably just a sign of a sign of normal age - related memory loss — and of the inevitable fact that your brain is getting smaller every year.
These women get less active in their normal daily lives as they get more active in the gym and running off fat.
These symptoms can make life difficult for a woman, making it hard for her to relate to people close to her and carry on with her normal daily activities.
It's easy to brush something off as normal especially if it doesn't really affect our daily lives, or a pharmaceutical «makes it go away», but our body is trying to tell us something - but what?
The CG maintained their normal activities of daily living (ADL).
Sitting, standing, commuting, carrying things, exercising, sleeping - our normal activities of daily living challenge our postural alignment constantly.
I agree that if your body is well - aligned you won't need to consciously contract the muscles of the core (which I refer to as «zipping up») during normal, non-strenuous activities of daily living.
Frustration grows even further when patients are told their lab work looks «normal» as they deal daily with symptoms that adversely affect their quality of life.
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