Sentences with phrase «daily obligations»

Daily stressors such as work, family, and other daily obligations can perhaps be changed to some degree to lower your overall stress load.
However, as people get older and daily obligations start to pile up, it is common to hear how more and more people get less than 6 hours of sleep.
When else do you have summer and winter breaks, freedom from most daily obligations besides class, and access to a huge network of professors, alumni, and a faculty who would all love to help you succeed?
They usually sleep for more than 8 - 9 hours at night (with the slight interruption during the night to drink a protein shake), followed by naps during the day and when they aren't in the gym training they usually engage in light physical or non-physical activities when they are not committed to some other daily obligations.
Here are 11 ways to stay on top of your daily obligations and save your sanity.
Find a better way to deal with daily obligations, family situations or problems at the workplace — stress has a negative effect on your overall health and can quickly become a pattern of living that's hard to shake off.
We can still easily forget our daily obligations and hope to gain strength for the up - coming colder and especially darker months.
Maybe you used to paint, or play volleyball, or were learning Italian before you got pulled into those daily obligations or got caught up in schedules and career.
For many school administrators, being present at lunch duty is a daily obligation that eats into the «real» work of the day.
Large companies in little danger of default must issue debt with higher yields to fund their daily obligations.
Sam Basso PHOENIX, AZ AREA: (602) 708-4531 OR, if you are out of this area, inquire about a telephone or e-Lesson Email: [email protected] A dog is a daily obligation.
Treasure of today's kind is not that of golden doubloons, but of escape or freedom from the daily obligations of our fast paced world.
Most of us depend on a source of transportation to help us fulfill our daily obligations.
Aside from their daily obligations with family and current jobs, they're setting aside extra time to apply for your positions.
Unless the court decides otherwise, for periods when the noncustodial parent has the child for 15 or more days, Wyoming lowers the daily obligation by one half.
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