Sentences with phrase «daily recommended amount»

One serving of collard greens boasts your entire daily recommended amount of vitamins A and K, along with 7.6 grams of fiber.
Average daily recommended amounts are listed below in milligrams (mg):
Few US children meet daily recommended amounts of fruit and vegetables, making fruit and vegetable consumption an important issue for researchers.
Average daily recommended amounts are listed below in micrograms (mcg).
I've balance my way by incorporating dairy and soy back in my diet due to not being able to get enough calcium and vit D from veggies (honestly you can't as you would have to eat a boat load to even come close to half the daily recommended amount).
February is American Heart Month and with that I'm happy to share that the Hass Avocado Board and the American Heart Association (AHA) have joined efforts in encouraging Americans to eat the daily recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables to prevent and limit deaths from cardiovascular diseases, strokes and diabetes.
Smart Menu: a menu for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks that is so rich in nutrients and delivers the daily recommended amounts of nutrients because it includes only The World's Healthiest Foods.
Molasses is known for its high iron content (it contains 20 % of the daily recommended amount in just one tablespoon!).
Filling and giving you more than your daily recommended amount of vitamin A, its just full of delicious flavours from naturally sweet ingredients.
In addition, sunflower seeds are also incredibly high in protein and folic acid, and just one quarter - cup serving provides nearly 90 percent of our daily recommended amount of vitamin E. That's one powerful seed useful for fighting colds and the flu.
Dried figs contain 15 grams of fiber / cup, which is about half your daily recommended amount.
The National Institute of Health has set the daily recommended amount at 75 mg for women and 90 mg for men.
It's estimated that most tweens only receive half the daily recommended amount of calcium.
glass contains 30 % of your daily recommended amount of calcium, 25 % of your recommended amount of vitamin D and 25 % of your daily amount of phosphorus.
Each individual serving of this shake contains 16g of protein that comes from organic sources and can also give you half your daily recommended amount of calcium, too.
One Valencia orange contains about 60 milligrams of vitamin C, more than half the daily recommended amount.
Clinical trials found that it is safe to regularly infuse brain and lung cancer patients with 800 — 1000 times the daily recommended amount of vitamin C as a potential strategy to improve outcomes of standard cancer treatments.
One serving (160 grams) provides more than 20 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, 10 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin B6, and eight percent of the daily recommended amount of folate.
Just one pear packs 15 % of your daily recommended amount of fiber.
The daily recommended amounts of fiber are 38 grams for men and 25 grams for women, but less than 10 % of...
Consuming just 1 oz of chia seeds can provide you with 18 % of the daily recommended amount of calcium.
Drinking the daily recommended amount of water is one of the best ways to improve the work of your kidneys, which in turns helps you eliminate waste and toxins more efficiently.
Pumpkin is packed with filling fiber (containing more than 20 % of the daily recommended amount per serving) as well as potassium, vitamin B, and beta - carotene.
Add a handful of these bright berries to your cereal or salad whenever you can: just half a cup delivers 4 grams of fiber, as well as 25 % of your daily recommended amounts of vitamin C and manganese.
They're also low - calorie (about 105 in a medium sweet potato) and contain 4 grams of filling dietary fiber, 16 % of the daily recommended amount.
Like apples, pears are a great source of antioxidants and fiber (just one contains 15 % of your daily recommended amount).
I knew fortified nut milk, plant - based protein powders, and certain vegetables all contributed to my daily recommended amount of protein, but it's easy to forget to include protein at each meal when meat isn't the centerpiece.
Individuals react differently to dosage, but in general, taking more than the daily recommended amount of an NSAID carries a significant risk of gastrointestinal bleeding and is unlikely to provide additional pain relief.
Fish and Seafood: Three ounces of clams (approximately 20 small) contain more than 10 times the daily recommended amount of B12, which is essential for proper nervous system function, while one 3 - oz serving of salmon or rainbow trout provides nearly 100 % of your daily B12 needs.
Asparagus is also an excellent source, with just 4 spears providing 20 % the daily recommended amount of folate.
Based on the study described here, we are wise to consume no less than the daily recommended amount of fiber because it's possible that certain microbes may take matters into their own hands by invading our personal space and degrading the mucus barrier that is designed to keep us safe.
The daily recommended amounts of fiber are 38 grams for men and 25 grams for women, but less than 10 % of Americans are meeting these requirements.
Did you know that a single tomato can provide 40 % of the daily recommended amount of Vitamin C?
On average, most Australian adults do not consume the daily recommended amount of fibre.
An ounce of these nuts provides 23 per cent of the daily recommended amount of magnesium.
For example, just two tablespoons of parsley gives you 150 % of your daily recommended amount of vitamin K. Herbs are also packed with antioxidants.
Everyone loves a good smoothie, and trying to get your daily recommended amount of vegetables in your diet is sometimes a little hard...
A large one provides 6 grams of protein, which adds up to 13 percent of your daily recommended amount.
According to the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, most adults in the United States get roughly half of the daily recommended amount of potassium.
One group was given less than the daily recommended amount (RDA)-- 1.4 g / kg of body weight, the second group received the current RDA of 1.8 g / kg of body weight, and the third group had more than the RDA (2.0 g / kg of body weight).
I do not increase my vit A intake, because I am fond of carrots (100 g of carrots contain 300 % of the daily recommended amount).
Individuals who are sensitive to Tetrahydrocannabinol compounds (THC) can experience mild hallucinations if they consumed these seeds from more than daily recommended amounts.
In a dietary survey in the U.S. from 2003 - 2004, over 90 % of people ate less than the daily recommended amount of choline (14)!
Unless you are a man between the ages of 14 and 50 this will be over your daily recommended amount!
Some of these cereals are ridiculously high in fiber, so make sure you check out How Much Fiber You Need Per Day in order to make sure you don't go over your daily recommended amount.
A nutritionally complete meal replacement, this smoothie is not only full of healthy protein and fiber (thanks to the avocado and scoop of vegan pea protein), it has more than half of your daily recommended amount of vitamin C.

Phrases with «daily recommended amount»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z