Sentences with phrase «daily sacrifice»

Regular daily sacrifice is the fastest way to your goal.
Giving up and giving in: The costs and benefits of daily sacrifice in intimate relationships.
In contrast, while the priests in the Jerusalem temple were standing and offering daily the sacrifices of bulls and goats, Jesus Christ offered for all times a single sacrifice for sills and he sat down at the right hand of God.
So some middle - class families are not skimping on their travels, but they're making daily sacrifices to make it happen.
«Men and women in our armed forces, whose humbling bravery and daily sacrifices help to ensure the security of our nation and our allies around the world.
«It must be one or the other,» writes Buber: «Either he takes on himself the tragedy of the person, and offers an unblemished daily sacrifice, or the fire enters his work and consumes it.»
In the 22nd installment of Sage's Relationship Matters podcast, hosted by Dr. Bjarne Holmes of Champlain College, Dr. Casey Totenhagen (University of Arizona) dicusses recent research on how the small daily sacrifices we make (e.g., doing the dishes, picking up a partner from work) influence how happy and committed we are in our relationships.
Other rituals included are that to be followed by the priest when covering the temple kettle drum; Ritual for the Repair of the Temple; daily sacrifices to the gods of the city of Uruk, etc. 17
In the temple were conducted the daily sacrifices of animals and produce; the most important of these sacrifices were the people's burnt offering, immolated twice a day.
I decided I was going to make him a special dinner today for his daily sacrifice and since one of his favorite meals is Corned Beef Hash, I was determined to make it for him.
Being a mom really is a daily sacrifice, but it is worth it every minute.
That's why breastfeeding moms often need to hear that they are doing a good job and that «breast is best,» to remind them why they are making what can sometimes feel like a daily sacrifice.
He said his sacrifice pales in comparison to the daily sacrifices of New Yorkers.
The daily sacrifice of heart over mind, the forever ongoing task of explaining this and that, and why I don't wa..
But my biggest achievement of late is co-founding a school newspaper at my daughter's local elementary school and feeling even more in awe of teacher's daily sacrifices and creativity.
When I drive to my practicum site and see students standing out in the subfreezing temperature at 6 a.m. waiting for their bus, I know that those faces are making a daily sacrifice.
In order for her children to attend the school of her choice, Abigail makes a long, daily sacrifice.
«Because of the daily sacrifices you and your family make to ensure our safety and freedom, we extend a 10 % discount to all Military personnel.
After surveying 328 people (164 couples) about their daily hassles, relationship satisfaction, closeness, and commitment, along with the daily sacrifices they made for their partner (read: picking up your husband's socks), they found that people felt more committed to their partners when they made more small sacrifices, according to a study to be published later this year in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.
Dr. Casey Totenhagen (University of Arizona) dicusses recent research on how the daily sacrifices we make in relationships influence how happy and committed we are in our relationships.
Number 22 «Do the daily sacrifices we make in relationships make us happier?»
In the 22nd installment of Sage's Relationship Matters podcast, hosted by Dr. Bjarne Holmes of Champlain College, Dr. Casey Totenhagen (University of Arizona) dicusses recent research on how the daily sacrifices we make in relationships (e.g., doing the dishes, picking up a partner from work) influence how happy and committed we are in our relationships.
May reminds me to embrace all the wonderfulness of being a mother, take time to thank God for allowing me to have a mother like no other and remember my mother for her daily sacrifices and timeless lessons.
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