Sentences with phrase «daily student attendance»

That change came at the behest of officials with the North Carolina Virtual Academy, the school backed by controversial for - profit online school operator K12, Inc., who complained to state officials that recording and reporting daily student attendance through the online reporting software that traditional schools use didn't work for them, according to DPI's interim director of the state's charter school office Adam Levinson.
Levinson explained that because students don't physically appear before a teacher each day, instead logging onto their computers from home to access instructional materials and lessons, requiring the recording and reporting of daily student attendance doesn't make sense for virtual online charter schools.
Previously the online virtual charter schools, which are taking part in a pilot program authorized by the legislature last year and set to begin this fall, would have had to record daily student attendance using the state's online reporting software — like traditional brick and mortar public schools — to comply with compulsory attendance laws.
New teachers should keep copies of anything they write to or for others, notes they receive from others, and student work samples, in addition to such mandated records as daily student attendance and grades.
All California school districts will be eligible for energy - efficiency grants based on district size and average daily student attendance numbers, under the budget deal reached in Sacramento this week.
Taking daily student attendance may seem like an easy requirement for a teacher to fulfill, but that wasn't the case for a virtual school teacher who worked at a K12, Inc. school in Sonoma, California.
This study discusses the results of a longitudinal data analysis of schools» rates of daily student attendance and chronic absenteeism and specific partnership practices that were implemented to help increase or sustain student attendance.
The North Carolina State Board of Education quietly approved a policy last month that could allow the state's two brand new virtual charter schools to avoid recording and reporting daily student attendance, and stipulates that the virtual schools...
Our statewide exam scores, student enrollment, daily student attendance rate, community and family engagement, and time for team teaching / collaboration all improved as a result of ELT.
The results: statewide exam scores, student enrollment, daily student attendance, and community engagement all improved at Edwards.
This study discusses the results of an analysis of longitudinal data collected on schools» rates of daily student attendance and chronic absenteeism and on specific partnership practices that were implemented to help increase or sustain student attendance.
The study discusses the results of an analysis of longitudinal data collected on schools» rates of daily student attendance and...
As the district continues to implement academic initiatives to raise student achievement levels, daily student attendance must be considered by all schools as fundamental to the success of these initiatives and to student academic progress.
Via conference calls before the start of school in late August, both the Charter School Advisory Board and the State Board of Education quickly approved a new policy that doesn't require the virtual schools to record and report daily student attendance to the Department of Public Instruction.
The North Carolina State Board of Education quietly approved a policy last month that could allow the state's two brand new virtual charter schools to avoid recording and reporting daily student attendance, and stipulates that the virtual schools would only lose their state funding for a student if he or she fails to show any «student activity,» — as defined by the for - profit charter operators — for at least ten consecutive days.
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