Sentences with phrase «dairy cows graze»

Our dairy cows graze in clover - rich pastures that are protected from pesticides and fertilizers.
In countries that traditionally practiced seasonal grazing, fewer farmers now let their dairy cows graze in the summer

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Although organic processors used images of cows grazing in pasture to sell milk to consumers, not all the organic dairies were providing their cows with pasture.
With the help of three local farm workers, they grow tea and napier grass, raise three zero - grazing cows and a few dairy goats, and cultivate a kitchen garden.
The dairy industry loves to promote itself with image of cows grazing on pristine landscapes, but farmers are showing no sign of shaking off their $ 500 million - a-year addiction to palm kernel expeller or PKE.
Saaremaa Dairy Union is based in Estonia, and produces a variety of butters and cheeses that are influenced by the fact that the cows graze on a unique flora, as the company is located on an island in the Baltic Sea.
Collecting milk from cows grazing on lush, green pastures from more than 2,400 family farms, Lakeland Dairies supplies a wide range of dairy products to 70 countries.
Beef and cows» dairy products are good sources — but only where the animals are free to roam and graze on grass.
The fallout from that April 1986 accident included radioactive iodine, which settled across swathes of Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine, contaminating pastures grazed by dairy cows.
The county has requested a waiver from the U.S. Agriculture Department's standards for organic dairy and beef cows, which require them to graze cows on pastures for at least 30 percent of their food intake for at least 120 days.
They also use whey from farm - raised, pasture - grazed, grass - fed cows that haven't had any bovine growth hormone injected - something that is HUGELY important to me as a consumer and should be a strong consideration in purchasing your dairy products.
A Journal of Dairy Science study showed that cows that grazed on pasture had 500 % more CLA in their fat than those fed other diets.
Using non-GMO ingredients, our whey is derived from the milk of New Zealand dairy cows that are able to graze pastures year round — largely avoiding the need for feed supplements.
That's why I try to not support the factory farm industry as much as possible (which is most meats and dairy in your supermarket) and instead, I try to eat almost solely grass - fed meats from free ranging animals, wild game, wild fish, eggs from local farmers from free roaming hens, and dairy only from grass - fed cows that are allowed to graze almost entirely on forage.
Cows graze in a pasture at the University of New Hampshire's organic dairy farm in Lee, N.H., Sept. 27, 2006.
For many of us, the idea of a dairy farm may evoke bucolic images of cows grazing peacefully on acres of green, rolling pasture.
Dairy cattle do not «let their milk down» fully when they are anxious; milk production rates could be correlated to various levels of sound from turbines, and / or depending on whether the cows had grazed near, or further from, turbines.
On an organic dairy farm, cows graze on pasture during the growing season, eat organically grown feed, and are not treated with hormones or antibiotics.
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