Sentences with phrase «damage does occur»

Unlike discounts, however, policy alterations such as these can cost you more out - of - pocket if and when damage does occur.
First, a large percent of North Carolinians reside in rural areas; the more rural the area, the less likely a home will be damaged by other people (rural homes are also statistically cheaper to repair than urban homes, so when damage does occur, the insurance company doesn't have to pay out as much money).
A higher deductible will mean you're on the hook for more of the initial cost when damage does occur, but it should lower your monthly premiums.
Some noticeable damage does occur and some parts go flying off!
When damage does occur, it immediately goes to work repairing the free radical damage.
My original research had told me that some free radical damage does occur with zinc oxide.
Cohn was on call in case damage did occur and had to be patched in a hurry.
The group found that a variety of laser configurations could effectively remove toner ink without causing any significant paper damage, though damage did occur after the same sheet was processed several times.
If an accident or damage did occur and you were found liable, would you want to risk all of your current assets, as well as possible future assets because you didn't have insurance?
Having photographs and / or video of your items is a good idea too because this can be given to your agent for safekeeping in case damages do occur.

Not exact matches

In this respect, we need to think hard about what we can do to prevent the type of speculative bubbles that occurred from causing so much damage in the future.
Or perhaps, despite being less than 3 % off all - time highs, most of the damage has already occurred and stocks have some catching up to do, pushing indices higher.
Though most of the damage to the market didn't occur in the second quarter, thus far, the recent stock market volatility doesn't seem to be having a noteworthy impact on China's economic fundamentals.
I don't know when the next financial crisis is going hit the markets but, when it does, the damage that will be inflicted on the stock and bond markets will dwarf what occurred in 2008.
For example, they staged a walk - out at COP19 at Warsaw when their proposal for a loss and damage mechanism, which would contribute to addressing damages occurring from adverse effects of climate change, did not receive enough traction.
It's an after - the - fact service that can help consumers with remediation efforts, but does nothing to keep the damage from occurring.
Causing the death of an unborn child is in the Bible, for in the Bible at Exodus 21, it says that «in case men should struggle with each other and they really hurt a pregnant woman and her children do come out but no fatal accident occurs, he is to have damages imposed upon him without fail according to what the owner of the woman may lay upon him; and he must give it through the justices.
Forgiveness however does nothing to absolve Mark and Mars Hill of the damage that has occurred.
That said, I know that if I think too much about toxins occurring in my food or elsewhere I become a paranoid, anxious wreck, and do more psychological damage to myself than an occasional serving of guar gum or xanthan gum does.
Scientists have discovered that limited use of this toxin can numb muscles just enough so they can't function and at the same time, so that permanent damage does not occur.
If you do decide to check your car seat, make sure to package it in the original box with sufficient padding to prevent any damage from occurring in cargo.
A spokesman for Schneiderman admits the incident occurred but insists that the senator did not realize that the parked vehicle had been damaged.
It's time to implement Plan 2014 and prevent the irreparable damage that will occur if we don't act.»
Wood said both Skeloses had ignored their «moral compasses» over the five years the schemes occurred, doing «immeasurable damage to New Yorkers» confidence in the integrity of their government.»
[50] Alexandra Biaggi, who planned to challenge Klein, said that just because the IDC dissolved, it does not» [undo] the seven years of damage that has already occurred in New York state.»
My office receives calls, letters and email regularly from residents who are frustrated with the continual damage being done to their vehicles and have expressed a real fear that a deadly accident will occur as drivers attempt to avoid potholes and sometimes lose control of their vehicles.»
[1] Alexandra Biaggi, who is challenging Klein, said that just because the IDC dissolved, it does not» [undo] the seven years of damage that has already occurred in New York state.»
Once the kettle reaches boiling, the auto - shutoff kicks in which means you don't have to worry about damage that can occur from dry boiling.
«The regions in these networks are not talking to each other as much as healthy adults of the same age, even in networks where brain damage didn't occur.
(Once the quake had occurred, statistical forecasting based on the size of the main shock did anticipate the possibility of its largest aftershock: a magnitude - 6.3 quake in February that heavily damaged older structures in Christchurch.)
«But it does not estimate all the other damages potentially caused by bighead and silver carp such as those that may occur in tributaries of Lake Erie, effects to recreational activities as a result of silver carp jumping behavior.»
But it has not been proved that they do this, or if sublethal effects occur and damage bee colonies on an important scale.
But major earthquakes such as the Mw 7.9 2008 Chengdu quake in China and New Zealand's 2011 Mw 6.3 quake have shown that large earthquakes do occur and can cause significant infrastructure damage and loss of life.
«The system can detect problems that occur during the normal operation of a battery, but it does not apply to batteries damaged in a collision or other accident.»
Rutgers scientists said this study indicates how critical it is to carefully control oxidative stress — which can also lead to neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancers and gene mutations as well as liver and heart disease — so that cell or tissue damage doesn't occur.
Unlike peripheral nerves, which re-sprout axons when they are damaged, mature spinal neurons do not regrow axons in the part of the body where the injury has occurred — such as when the spinal cord is cut or crushed — which results in paralysis below the injury.
Doctors often treat the condition by patching the good eye and forcing the brain to rely on the other eye, but the treatment risks damaging vision in the good eye, and if it doesn't succeed or occur early enough in a child's visual development, the vision loss in the impaired eye can be permanent.
This type of exploration — muon radiography — is perfect for sensitive historical sites as it uses naturally occurring radiation and doesn't damage the structure.
«But it does not estimate all the other damages potentially caused by bighead and silver carp such as those that may occur in tributaries of Lake Erie, or effects to recreational activities as a result of silver carp jumping behavior.»
«But we do know that disruption occurs, and the blood proteins we have found in the brain are able to activate the brain's immune cells and damage neurons.»
If damage to the occipital lobes does occur, it may lead to an inability to recognize objects.
There are typical movements (chorea) that are associated with the disease, but they don't occur until significant damage to the brain has already happened.
In addition to disputing the relevance of your source trial (which doesn't appear to offer a duration or suggestion that the tests increase healthy lifespan of the mice in question), I'd like to point out that protection is less beneficial in the long term, because you can not stop damage from occurring completely no matter how well you defend an organelle, and that damage will accumulate over time.
This over-simplified idea is great in theory, but doesn't always occur, especially in those with damaged metabolisms or endocrine problems (which includes most overweight people).
Additionally, don't forget that you need certain nutrients to rebuild the damage that has occurred from the inflammation.
Doesn't mean just because one doesn't perceive slowly accumulating damage from something, that damage isn't occurring.
Acai berries help in slowing down or reversing the aging process that occurs when oxidative damage is done to the cells, as they contain approximately 10 times more antioxidants than grapes and 2 times more antioxidants than berries.
Oxidative medicines include hydrogen peroxide, ozone, and high dose vitamin C. I do not find they are that helpful, and I am very concerned about damage that can occur when these treatments are done repeatedly.
The less damage done, the less repair is needed, and the more growth can occur, with less utilization of energy.
When this occurs, your skin won't stay smooth and taut, as it did before the damage.
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