Sentences with phrase «damage in the body»

* These help to fight the effects of free radical damage in the body and therefore help to enhance vitality and cellular health.
These antioxidants provide a protective effect against oxidative damage in the body.
Both vitamins are antioxidants which help to repair cellular damage in the body including veins.
Once they have attached, they release a drug derived from a natural protein which can repair damage in the body.
Every hour, there are 800 incidents of DNA damage in our bodies.
These plant based antioxidants can help prevent free radical damage in the body.
Both potatoes and sweet potatoes contain antioxidants, substances that help control oxidative damage in the body.
Myristicin has also been shown to activate the enzyme glutathione - S - transferase, which helps attach the molecule glutathione to oxidized molecules that would otherwise do damage in the body.
While the inflammatory immune response is essential to protecting humans against viruses and bacteria, superantigen toxins cause an exaggerated response called an «immune storm» that can do a great deal of damage in the body and can result in multiple organ failure.
Saturated fats (ghee, grass - fed butter, grass - fed meats, cold pressed coconut oil etc), work to protect the unsaturated fats (the fats found in nuts and seeds) from damage in the body - almost acting as antioxidants to protect the beneficial properties of those fats.
«If you can truly catch and neutralize the toxic version of these proteins, then you hopefully never get any further damage in the body,» said senior author Valerie Daggett, a UW professor of bioengineering.
These natural occurring compounds are highly valued for their work to prevent or delay cell damage in the body (more on this later).
Besides oxidation, glycation and the subsequent formation of AGEs is one of the major molecular mechanisms causing ongoing damage in your body, which leads to disease, (premature) aging and, eventually, death.
In fact, limiting sugar in your diet is a well - known key to longevity, because of all the molecules capable of inflicting damage in your body, sugar molecules are probably the most damaging.
The phytochemicals are antioxidant compounds that are found naturally in plants that may help to prevent free radical induced damage in the body.
Removing inflammatory foods allows an inflamed and damaged gut to repair, which in turn allows damage in the body and brain to recover and repair.
-- Deficiency of vitamin C and E. Both vitamins are antioxidants which help to repair cellular damage in the body including blood vessels;
These antibodies cause damage in the body by causing inflammation as they attack other tissues.
Polyphenols are chemicals that protect cells and body chemicals against damage caused by free radicals, which are reactive atoms that contribute to tissue damage in the body.
Myristicin has also been shown to activate the enzyme glutathione - S - transferase, which helps attach the molecule glutathione to oxidized molecules that would otherwise do damage in the body.
Antioxidants are the main reason superfoods are so super, and chia seeds are full of antioxidants that can help fight free radical damage in the body.
to high temperatures rancidizes them, creates oxidative damage in the body, and is a surefire, powerful method of inflaming the body.
Oxidative stress is an imbalance between the production of free radicals (atoms that can cause cellular damage in the body) and the ability of the body to counteract their harmful effects through neutralization by antioxidants.
«From a health perspective, oxidative stress in the cells causes different types of damage in the body, for example, skin ageing or various infections, contributing to illnesses such as arthritis and Alzheimer's,» says Harri Latva - Mäenpää.
Endorphins promote a plethora of other mechanisms that help repair damage in the body.
For one thing, they do not oxidize and cause free radical damage in the body.
«Sugar is a major cause of inflammation and oxidative damage in the body.
Nasunin has the ability to fight free radical damage in the body (that's what antioxidants do), but it also helps fight inflammation and is an iron «chelator» meaning it helps iron become more absorbable in the body.
There's several types of LDL; one type bind directly to dangerous bacterial toxins and inactivates them, preventing them from doing any damage in the body.
* This important antioxidant neutralizes free - radicals which cause cellular damage in the body and contribute to the aging process.
For most chronically sick people, it will take more than a year until you've reversed all the damage in your body.
The underlying premise, that some foods can seriously raise your blood sugar and as a result cause harm and damage in your body, is true.
Most oils oxidize and turn rancid very quickly causing free radical damage in our bodies.
Horse Chestnut: Horse chestnut is an anti-inflammatory herb that can protect against some of the risks of obesity and free radical damage in the body.
The monoterpene components of dill have been shown to activate the enzyme glutathione - S - transferase, which helps attach the anti-oxidant molecule glutathione to oxidized molecules that would otherwise do damage in the body.
Rancid oils cause free radical damage in the body, which is a leading cause of cancer.
Foods high in these units are especially helpful for countering oxidant or free - radical damage in the body.
This is because it is saturated (making it more stable when heated) and because it contains polyphenols (antioxidants), which help prevent oxidation (which can result in free radical damage in the body).
These all help reduce * free radical damage in the body.
These cells take toxins from the cells and transport them to the lymph nodes, and from there they end up being destroyed before they can do any damage in the body.
Selenium is a true thyroid rockstar antioxidant, meaning it combats free radical damage in your body.
Inflammation is the healing response to injury or oxidative damage in the body.
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, which means it could help fight the free radical damage in your body.

Phrases with «damage in the body»

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