Sentences with phrase «damage lots of cars»

Not exact matches

A lot of criminal damage along with degeneration took their very own cost, coupled with excluding operation the very drawbridge means, get insanity workout it provides certainly not actually been reconditioned; consequently, it may not be usually designed for the public except for escorted by means of the car park rangers.
We're no strangers to freak hail storms and when you have 200 + cars on a lot, that's a lot of hail damage to fix.
«Obviously, we got hit on the start; did a lot of damage to the car,» Keselowski said.
By then, most of the cars belonging to the patrons of Hamburg Gaming that were damaged had been towed from the front and side parking lots, and a street sweeper cleaned up the glass from broken car windows that covered the lots.
I had a lot of issues with this move - things got damaged on the moving truck, the shipping company «forgot» to ship my car, the list goes on.
sorry about your car getting hit... ours were hit outside our home, and luckily it did a lot of damage to the drivers car so we were able to call the police bc they were trying to drive away!
Lots of great characters, such as cheating wife Quinn who actually plays a sympathetic and vulnerable part, the gutsy, newly voluptuous matriarch played by dishy Jane Fonda, and the manboy next door whom eldest sister Wendy has to forgive herself for ditching years ago after their car accident left him brain - damaged.
Wrecking matches are deathmatch rounds in cars, and while it's good to see collision damage meted out more on the recipient's side, it still boils down to lots of circling and trying to find a lucky trajectory with missiles and bullets.
As Wiske says, «A lot of people can do a lot of damage driving cars, but we shouldn't tell kids not to drive cars
I made a mistake and my car hit the wall, causing a lot of damage.
He also notes that the extra cost of winter tires might be a lot cheaper than repairing body damage from an accident, not to mention the ongoing car insurance surcharges afterward.
While all that sounds like a lot of damage, the ZR1 was in relatively good shape compared to the other cars because it was the last to fall into the sinkhole.
Whether you were in an accident, big or small, or your car got hit in the grocery store parking lot, any form of body damage can be unsightly and make driving your car embarrassing.
While the latest generation of America's favorite sports car is a lot of fun to drive, we just hope everyone can do so safely and without damaging any more Stingrays!
Recently, we have seen a number of damaging hail storms hit the area, and because of these storms, Groove Toyota is able to offer you great savings on a huge inventory of cars, trucks, and SUV's that were damaged by hail right here on our car lot in Englewood, Colorado.
Unfortunately the incident did a lot of damage to the left side of the car.
As far as staying out of trouble and not damaging the car, it made it a lot easier on the strategy side because we could run as we had planned.
But he bounced out to the side in front of me and I collected him in his rear corner and did a lot of damage to the front of our car.
Many cars have bumpers that prevent some of the damage that otherwise can lead to expensive repairs after low - speed collisions, the kind that occur in commuter traffic and parking lots.
These «fender benders» end up costing car owners a lot of money and aggravation because the bumpers on many cars aren't designed to handle what should be a no - damage event.
Most bumpers on midsize cars do little to resist damage in the kinds of low - speed collisions that are common in commuter traffic and parking lots.
Minimum Coverage: If your old car does not have a lot of resale value, and fixing it after an accident would be pointless, go for the minimum coverage that protects you from damage you inflict on other vehicles / drivers.
What we know so far about him is he was hit by a car with a lot of damage to his back -LSB-...]
Cel Damage HD for the PS Vita draws a lot of inspiration from those earlier car combat games.
I should also mention many of the cars parked outside and in dealer lots were also severely damaged.
We continually cut trees, throwing garbage any where we want, chemical waste from different industries are thrown in the bodies of water, smoke coming from cars, factories and even at home are not properly handled, there's still a lot of problems that we can address to each and every one but if we will not move or take any action in response to this issue our planet would die little by little, as we see earth today is now showing to us the damage we had made such as earth quake, landslide, acid rain, global warming and a lot more.
Because in the end, the proportion of jerks on bikes is probably no bigger than the proportion of jerks in cars, and while every incident like this is tragic, bikes do a lot less damage to pedestrians than cars do.
With millions of registered drivers in Kentucky, it should come as no surprise that car accidents can cause a lot of damage to thousands of people and their families each year.
We all know, Jonathan, all these seminars that we've seen, low impact soft tissue cases, where there is no car damage and you can spend a heck of a lot of money getting experts and people can get hurt.
I was in a car accident and there wasn't a lot of damage to the cars, but I ended up with a herniated disc that was recommended for surgery.
Car accidents often result in serious damages and injuries, costing a lot of time, money and heartache.
And if the hassle and pain of a car accident wasn't already a lot to sort out, insurance companies can put you through the ringer when you try to recover any damages.
Other times there is a lot of damage to both cars, requiring them to be written off; along with catastrophic injuries to the parties involved.
For the car accidents or disaster situations where there is a lot of damage, most insurance policy holders will choose to file a claim and pay the deductible, rather than take on the entire financial burden of the loss.
The coverage could apply to simple things, like walking through a parking lot with your keys in hand, tripping, and accidentally keying someone's car, though that might even fall under the limit of damage to property of others — it may not even rise to the level of a liability claim.
After a full day of fun, they returned to the parking lot to discover their rental car had been smashed by another vehicle and badly damaged.
And remember, a lot of the people driving without car insurance often do not have the means to pay thousands of dollars in damages.
Anything from a full on car accident to an unexpected deer can cause a lot of damage and financial strain for a Kingsport driver.
Your auto insurance company will pay for damage done to your car and will also pay if your entire car is stolen, but what if a few important items were stolen from the car while in the parking lot of the mall or another public area?
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Unfortunately, even if you spend a lot of time and effort building up safe driving habits, there is always that chance that you will be involved in a car accident and need to call on your insurance policy to fix the damage.
It can result in serious injuries that prevent you from being able to work, leave you expensive damages to your car — or completely total your car, and it can cause a lot of pain and suffering.
Car accidents can cause a lot of damage, and the state requires a minimum of $ 5,000 in insurance coverage for required repairs if you were the responsible party that caused the accident.
First of all, smaller cars that weigh less can receive a lot more damage if they're involved in an accident.
A lot of people are then surprised to find out that they are being sued for unpaid damages from a car accident.
After spending a lot of money taking care of the damage, insurance companies, most of the time, increase car accident insurance rates.
Unfortunately, his company lost a ton of cars to water damage along with a lot of the government's money, and then it was sold off to a Chinese company who has brought it back from the dead for some reason.
Cars get lots of damage in this game and the visuals are certainly on a par with previous games from Criterion.
«You need a licence to drive a car but you don't need a licence to raise a child, and you can do a lot of damage with maladaptive parenting practices,» he says.
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