Sentences with phrase «damage output with»

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Will cutting rates really boost the sectors that did much of the damage to April's GDP report like resources (can't influence commodities), utilities (can't influence weather, with utilities output just coming off a large surge in Jan / Feb) and manufacturing (bigger challenges than CAD)?
Shutting down can actually damage a reservoir, leaving a site with permanently lower output.
It is not necessary to go to the highest level if it is painful for you and doing so could interfere with the milk ejection reflex and let down and result in reduced milk output to the pump, potentially causing tissue damage.
Only the crisis that began with the Wall Street crash of 1929 and culminated in the Great Depression of the 1930s did more damage to output, employment and welfare.
Shell states that tar sands are less damaging that coal: Well since when was coal and oil used to the same ends unless they are talking about widespread adaption of CTL technology which could happen in some countries with large scale coal rserves I guess but even I doubt that CTL projects will scale to 3 — 5 mbpd which is the projected output of Albertas oil sands come 2030.
It can severely hinder recovery, as it is engaging and damaging type II muscles with limited carryover into maximum force output or rate of force production (two important factors for strength), without the hypertrophy benefits of sprint cycling.
Carefully balancing out armor against your choice of weapon can lead to a powerful build, such as how in many previous Monster Hunter games a combination of a Greatsword with the Focus and Crit Draw skills would lead to a near unstoppable damage output.
A low damage output means this is all about landing a lot of hits in deadly combos — and you'll want to use that mobility to dodge lots, since there's no block with this weapon.
Weapons that fit into the «technical» category are a little trickier to handle — but they have some very impressive results, with huge damage output and in one instance some significant passive buffs for the rest of your team while the weapon is in use.
Charging these both up, and then further charging your phials, will give you the highest damage output in axe form you can get, with a very satisfying Elemental Discharge attack should you land it.
This allows for great HP output with out the damaging affects of the dread «knock».
Preserve Original Elements in the Output File with No Quality Loss * The worst thing when you're converting a file from one format to another is that the original data is damaged or lost after the conversion.
No matter what you'll need to combine magic with physical combat, and as enemies grow more powerful you'll also need to invest some points in combat skills, just to pump up your damage output as health bars become larger.
These moves can also be done with the special attack button much like any other fighter in the game, but doing it the Street Fighter way gives you a small boost in damage output.
It has a good range and accuracy with a good damage output as well.
For instance, a pistol has a higher damage output, albeit making the pistol louder with increased recoil via a magnum upgrade, while an extended magazine doubles the ammunition capacity, alongside a suppressor to silence the pistol when firing which makes it an asset when attempting to stealthily navigate beyond a large group of enemies to not raise the alarm for enemy reinforcements.
On top of that there are three different stances with light and heavy attack that change damage output, stamina usage and attack speed.
A low damage output means this is all about landing a lot of hits in deadly combos — and you'll want to use that mobility to dodge lots, since there's no block with this weapon.
Despite the increase in speed, the enemies can easily overwhelm you with their long combos and high damage output resulting in many cheap deaths.
Devil Trigger mode is supposed to increase Dante's damage output, but as it stands it feels pretty under - powered, with Dante's strikes seemingly doing little more damage than they usually.
Furthermore it didn't take much to defeat them, either, so coupled with their low damage output having them around sometimes felt pointless.
A lot of the time you'll be forced to give up a gun you like simply because it can't output enough damage to deal with enemies, only for you to find the exact same gun a few hours later that can, making you feel as though absolutely nothing has changed except..
Numerous weapon changes are in bound as well, with Ubisoft also saying that the firearms stat will become a «much more significant source of damage output
Heavies fall in with large amounts of damage output and great defense.
Sword Hero is a straightforward, all around choice with decent damage output.
The Exotic Perk, Synapse Junctions, increases the damage output of the Arc Staff with quick, successive hits.
When you combine the ailment afflictions with its raw damage output and large health pool, you're basically looking at an even tougher Diablos battle.
This is a way to defeat enemies without using Pikmin, but it provides about the same damage that a single Pikmin can output (far less than even that in Pikmin 3) although with the advantage of greater durability and dodging capability.
Among the latter is the wolflike «Scorcher», a fast and tenacious machine with a damage output close to that of the Thunderjaw.
Not only because he deals out bleeding like a champ with a moderate damage output to boot, but also because his damage animation is him throwing himself in front of his dog so it doesn't get hurt.
From normal weapons with different damage outputs, reload speeds, accuracy, and more, to more powerful and explosive weapons with status and elemental effects like fire, corrosion, lighting and others, there is something for everyone here.
A human hunter's weapon sharpness and damage output gradually decreases every time it comes in contact with a monster.
You have a few attack types: A tazer, mace, bare firsts, chain knuckles and boots (to start with) but also some other elements that make it more dynamic, like medkits to recover health, police badges that damage you and Rage (which is used to add a multiplier to your damage output)
These are extremely fast weapons with overall low damage output.
With that in mind, players were able to create combos, and were rewarded with a high - damage output if successfully perforWith that in mind, players were able to create combos, and were rewarded with a high - damage output if successfully perforwith a high - damage output if successfully performed.
These are entirely determined by the game, but can, as examples, see your accuracy increase, Driver Arts refill faster, or damage output increase, and one thing that you will want to do is to look at a Blades «Affinity Chart and make sure that you are partly concentrating on making them grow to unlock more skills — stronger Blades undoubtedly help your party's chances, so, as with WP and SP, make sure that you don't forget about them.
Yet while we have suffered an economic crisis produced by our own financial sector — losing millions of jobs, trillions in economic output, and further damaging our industrial base — China has largely shrugged off the global recession with high levels of growth and self - financed stimulus, all while purchasing billions of Treasury bills to finance our own deficit.
The climate changes associated with these temperature changes are estimated to increase damages by almost 3 percent of global output in 2100 and by close to 8 percent of global out - put in 2200....
do not get me wrong ------ I do believe that we should care for out planet ------ as it is the only one that we have ---- but at the same time ---- keep things in balance ------ we have come a long ways from the 60's were a river in Chicago caught on fire ---- how do you put out a fire with water when it is the river that is burning ------ major industries have upgraded their processes ---- control their waste output ------ America has done lots to improve our planet ---- now we have to look at other countries and work to help them ------ guide them ------ as they are starting to realize that damage that they are doing to them selves and the world ------
As the climate changes, global economic output will fall, but most of those economic damages can be avoided with smart policy.
Output flood extent and depths are coupled with an impact model based on population density and depth - damage relations to estimate PA and ED for selected return periods.
Not only does this lead to much individual suffering, but the damage to the economy is also great with health and social care costs and lost output amounting to over # 100bn in the UK.
That's to prevent damage to the battery (and in a way, to you), with the wall charger limiting output at 2A after hitting 75 % and going even lower after reaching 85 %.
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