Sentences with phrase «damage to cells on»

Rather, he said, the study was designed to ask the more fundamental question of whether a physical barrier of cells would indeed act as a barrier to prevent damage to cells on the other side.
Other toxins like alcohol are a problem because they are damaging to our cells on the way in, and, their breakdown products damage our cells again on the way out.

Not exact matches

Now, if we are not going to outlaw abortion, and the doctors / scientists want to take the aborted fetus and do stem cell research on it, well the damage is done and we might as well get all that we can out of it.
The damage that is caused by constant high insulin levels can wreak havoc on your cells and lead to your body attacking itself in an effort to correct the situation.
Thus, the rate of freezing for plant tissues is extremely important due to the effect of freezing rate on the size of ice crystals, cell hydration, and damage to cell walls (Rahman, 1999).
When used on the skin, it balances oil production, unblocks sebaceous glands, which can lead to blackheads and whiteheads, destroys bacteria, and removes damaged skin cells.
Following an initial brain injury, the dying cells produce substances that go on to damage other brain cells.
Low - power laser light shined on damaged rat teeth activates growth factors that cue stem cells to generate the tooth constituent dentin, leading to regeneration.
These are receptors on immune cells, which control for example effector T - cells by dampening their activation if damage to healthy cells is imminent.
«We found that a particular vaginal bacterium, Gardnerella vaginalis, did not cause infection during exposure to the urinary tract, but it damaged the cells on the surface of the bladder and caused E. coli from a previous UTI to start multiplying, leading to another bout of disease,» said the study's senior author, Amanda Lewis, PhD, an assistant professor of molecular microbiology and of obstetrics and gynecology at Washington University.
Last month, researchers led by Beth Stevens of Boston Children's Hospital reported that a process in which microglia prune excess synapses in the brain during early life can turn on inappropriately later on, possibly triggering Alzheimer's or other disorders marked by damage to connections between brain cells.
Only a decade later was it confirmed to bind to DNA and turn on the expression of other genes aimed at healing cell damage.
Certain kinds of cancer cells depend heavily on PARP to repair DNA damage.
«Interestingly, we also found that vitamin C treatment had an effect on leukemic stem cells that resembled damage to their DNA,» says first study author Luisa Cimmino, PhD, an assistant professor in the Department of Pathology at NYU Langone Health.
«The key here is that something happens to the DNA in the cell, and that damage is replicated and passed on to subsequent cells.
«Our data clearly showed that one of the protein receptors on white blood cells called CXCR3 brings white blood cells to the optic nerve in response to production of its binding partner CXCL10 by damaged nerve tissue,» said Zhang.
Other researchers have shown that the ability of microglia to engulf dead neurons depends on adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a ubiquitous energy source and signalling molecule that is released from damaged cells.
A few years ago, MS researchers were focused on a new type of immune cell called the Th - 17 cell, which appeared to be a key player in driving the neuronal damage in MS. Because Th - 17 cells produce the cytokine IL - 17, researchers likewise thought this chemical was essential to the disease.
It belongs to a group of chemicals called reactive oxygen species (ROS), which scientists suspect to have a damaging effect on cells and their components.
Cell - based therapies could offer a way to treat cartilage injuries before the ultimate damage of osteoarthritis on articular cartilage.
But he also has a team working on the model that occurred to him on the beach: Harvest and grow some healthy cells from a patient's damaged kidneys.
Saatchi, which is owned by France's Publicis Groupe, SA, chose LifeStraw over a field of competitors that included a reusable controller to improve the distribution of IV fluids, a collapsible wheel that can be folded down for easier storage when not in use on bicycles or wheelchairs, an energy - efficient laptop designed for children in developing countries, a 3 - D display that uses special optics and software to project a hologramlike image of patient anatomy for cancer treatment, an inkjet printing system for fabricating tissue scaffolds on which cells can be grown, a visual prosthesis for bypassing a diseased or damaged eye and sending signals directly to the brain, books with embedded sound tracks to help educate illiterate adults on health issues, a phone that provides telecommunications coverage to poor rural populations in developing countries, and a brain - computer interface designed to help paralyzed people communicate via neural signals.
Until then, he had devoted himself precociously to the heart, publishing his first scientific paper, on damage to red blood cells from open - heart surgery, at age 17.
This animation guides us through the immune pathways involved in the disease, from the first signs of self - reactive immune cells to joint damage and other symptoms.This article was reproduced with permission and was first published on January 25, 2016.
IGFBP3 binds to a receptor protein on colonic stem cells causing their death and, in turn, damaging the intestinal lining.»
Schiffman and his team conducted another series of experiments in the laboratory on blood samples from adult African elephants to find how these genes respond to DNA damage in the elephant cells.
Xue is the lead author on a paper being published Jan. 7 in Nature Communications that details how PSR - 1 recognizes and removes cells that are pre-programmed to die or damaged.
In a bid to progress beyond the shotgun approach to fighting cancer — blasting malignant cells with toxic chemicals or radiation, which kills surrounding healthy cells in the process — researchers at the Harvard - MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology (HST) are using nanotechnology to develop seek - and - destroy models to zero in on and dismantle tumors without damaging nearby normal tissue.
To strengthen its clinical research profile, Dresden has created a strategic plan, to be funded by the German Research Ministry (BMBF), that focuses on three aspects of clinical research: tissue engineering and development of physical and molecular medical technologies for clinical application; therapeutic strategies after cell and tissue damage; and diagnosis and therapy of malignant diseaseTo strengthen its clinical research profile, Dresden has created a strategic plan, to be funded by the German Research Ministry (BMBF), that focuses on three aspects of clinical research: tissue engineering and development of physical and molecular medical technologies for clinical application; therapeutic strategies after cell and tissue damage; and diagnosis and therapy of malignant diseaseto be funded by the German Research Ministry (BMBF), that focuses on three aspects of clinical research: tissue engineering and development of physical and molecular medical technologies for clinical application; therapeutic strategies after cell and tissue damage; and diagnosis and therapy of malignant diseases.
Based on previous studies, researchers have hypothesized that recreational noise exposure might damage the circuitry between sensory hair cells in the inner ear and their auditory nerve targets that deliver information to the brain.
Microglia are present throughout the brain and spinal cord, are constantly monitoring their environment, and can be switched on or activated to perform different functions such as control inflammation, destroy pathogens, clean up the debris from dead or damaged cells, and seal off the site of an injury.
«Autophagy,» which means «self - eating» based on its Greek roots, is the normal physiological process the body's cells use to remove viruses, bacteria, and damaged material from the cell.
Based on years of scientific research into the root causes of the condition, the device uses precisely timed sounds and weak electrical pulses that activate touch - sensitive nerves, both aimed at steering damaged nerve cells back to normal activity.
This metabolic demand makes brain cells particularly vulnerable to damage from oxidative stress, in which reactive oxygen species (ROS), sometimes called free radicals, exert toxic effects on cellular components.
Dr. Yaffe's research focuses on the biology of the complex signaling pathways that cells use to respond to DNA damage and inflammation, particularly the role of protein kinases and modular binding domains in tumor development and anti-cancer therapeutics.
This is the first demonstration that introduction of blood in the healthy brain is sufficient to cause peripheral immune cells to enter the brain, which then go on to cause brain damage.
Unfortunately, the DNA repair process is not perfect and sometimes, damaged DNA gets passed on to newly made cells.
Research on lab animals has shown some of the chemicals cause cancerous tumors and damage developing brain cells, and some can alter hormones essential to reproductive and neurological development.
«We saw that chem7 had hardly any effect on the shapes of the cells and tissues, thus, suggesting that chem7 stops cell division in plant cells, but does not cause any severe damage to the shapes,» describes Ueda.
To explore the role of DNA repair in translocation formation, the researchers inhibited key components of the DNA damage response machinery within cells and monitored the effects on the repair of DNA breaks and translocation formation.
The idea is that the drug, being within the nano - hydrogels, is transported directly to cancer cells where it can be released without damaging other parts of the body, because hydrogels offer the possibility of dosing a myriad of active substances on the site desired and can be administered as dry or swollen hydrogels by different routes: oral, nasal, buccal, rectal, transdermal, vaginal, ocular and parental.
Although reactive oxygen species can damage cells when produced in high amounts, according to a study published online Sept. 5, 2017 by Science Signaling and featured on the journal's cover, these oxidative species are crucial signals that start the process of repairing myofiber.
Functional damage to these photoreceptors, or pathological loss of the cells that bear them, results in inability to register light impinging on the retina — and is responsible for various types of visual impairment and certain forms of congenital blindness.
Now, the California Institute of Technology chemist is amassing evidence that cells harness this ability to help them home in on sites of DNA damage within each cell by revealing defects in DNA that disrupt its charge - carrying ability.
Previous studies have subjected phytoplankton to oil in laboratories to test their sensitivity and found differences in the impact on oceanic vs. coastal phytoplankton and differences when phytoplankton were in nutrient - rich or nutrient - poor water, as well as damage to some phytoplankton cells at various concentrations of oil.
On a molecular level this process is controlled by a wide range of factors, ensuring that the right number of undifferentiated progenitor cells differentiate into skin cells and make their way to replace the old damaged ones.
Damaged cells due to defective autophagy can go on to replicate and become tumors or cause other problems.
Depending on the dose and the target, radiation can cause incredible damage to healthy cells or it can be used to treat cancer and other diseases.
They found that spaceflight appeared to activate specialized liver cells that may go on to induce scarring and cause long - term damage to the organ.
«The introduction of mitochondria into damaged cells has beneficial effects on the health of cells and, in the long term, we believe that mesenchymal stem cells could even be engineered to create more effective therapies for lung disease in humans.»
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