Sentences with phrase «damage to one's organs»

Not only do free radicals cause damage to all your organs... doing cardio also damages your skin and makes you look older.
A professional cleaning eliminates potential sources of infection and the risk of damage to these organs.
Dogs have a much lower alcohol tolerance than most adult humans, which means that it does not take very much beer to cause permanent damage to their organs.
High blood sugar can cause long - term damage to organs such as the heart and kidneys.
Once recovered, the pet will suffer no permanent damage to the organs systems and may be immune to this disease for life.
Regular blood pressure checks can help diagnose serious medical conditions or prevent damage to organs.
The result is never a healthy alternative when it comes to treating acne because damage to the organs are done, regardless.
I don't think that's effective or good, though they are supposed to cause less damage to organs.
They are most often used to determine if the individual has suffered any internal damage to their organs.
Having said this, in rare cases, serious damage to the organs like the lungs, liver and brain can occur as a result of the inflammation caused by infected larvae circulating around the body.
Periodontal (gum) disease is one of the most common health concerns of pets today, and neglecting treatment can lead gum infections which result in disease, tooth loss, and even damage to the organs in severe cases.
When a dog's body temperature rises to 104 degrees, it is considered an emergency situation, and once it reaches 106 degrees, there may be irreparable damage to organs which may result in death.
Valine has successfully been used to treat gallbladder and liver disease along with damage to those organs caused by alcoholism and drug use.
Infections can occur and cause severe damage to these organs.
In Cooper's case, his lungs were seriously damaged when doctors induced a coma and put him into therapeutic hypothermia after the treadmill incident to minimize damage to his organs.
Cane Sugar is definitely the better choice because HFCS is very damaging to the organs and it brings on diabetes with a vengeance!
In these studies, the hair cell growth occurred without any initial damage to the organ of Corti.
But in obesity, accumulation of lipids can cause fatty liver, resulting in cellular damage to the organ.
Alcohol causes damage to organs such as the liver, brain, heart and intestines.
Because of the liver's unique ability to regenerate, much damage to the organ can be reversed when alcohol ingestion stops.
They have also pulled some patients away from older systemic (as opposed to topical) drugs often used for moderate - to - severe cases, such as methotrexate and cyclosporine, which patients sometimes need to take in rotation to minimize the risk of cumulative damage to their organs.
All the excess food, movement, and activities add to our blockages or creates damage to our organs.
The herb, you probably aren't currently using, that contains powerful phytonutrients that COMBAT age - related damage to your organs, skin, and joints.
They concentrate in particularly high numbers in the liver and kidney, causing extensive damage to these organs.
For example, certain traditional Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory (NSAID) drugs can be used in dogs, but if given to a cat, has a high likelihood of causing significant damage to organs and even death.
Sometimes, enzymes that measure liver function (AP, ALT and LDH) as well as tests that measure kidney function (BUN, Creatinine) are elevated, indicating damage to these organs.
Usually nicotine poisoning is an inpatient case with fluids being administered; I would recommend visiting your Veterinarian to check Cricket over as nicotine may cause lasting damage to his organs.
Also, if chronic exposure to nanoparticles changes our intestines so that more surface area is available for absorption, will toxins that are currently excreted cause more damage to organs after distribution through the blood, or faster accumulation in body fat?
Toxin poisoning can cause permanent damage to organs including the brain.
Bacteria from periodontal disease enter the bloodstream, circulate and take up residence in the kidney or on the leaf — like valves of the heart, causing serious damage to these organs.
As a result, mucopolysaccharides build up in the cells and cause irreparable damage to organs, bones, the brain and nerves.
They found that spaceflight appeared to activate specialized liver cells that may go on to induce scarring and cause long - term damage to the organ.
«It's inconceivable to me that anesthesia and surgery could be associated with damage to every organ system except the brain.»
Creamers, artificial sweeteners and conventional dairy products produce inflammatory stress that destroy your gut health and cause damage to all organs in the body.
If a dog has a low number of heartworms and a less severe amount of damage to its organs, that dog has a good chance of living a normal lifespan after it is treated.
Another serious complication is transvaginal mesh organ perforation, which is when the mesh, after eroding through the wall, causes damage to the organs by perforating them.
Typically, these complications will disappear after your baby is born, however, damage to the organs can still result.
Or perhaps the damage to his organs is now so severe that death will come later, once the few people paying attention have forgotten about him.
Damage to his organs is likely to be severe, given his pre-existing kidney problems, poor health and rapid continued weight loss.
Diabetics receive either too much or too little insulin each day, which causes damage to organs and muscles.
Autoimmune hepatitis is a chronic inflammatory disease in which the immune system attacks healthy liver cells causing damage to the organ.
Developed for kidneys by colleagues at Cambridge University, the process involves pumping warm, oxygenated red blood cells through an organ removed from a deceased donor to repair any damage to the organ before implanting it in the recipient.
According to Today show host Matt Lauer, Mr. Karason's blood tests were all within normal limits, meaning so far no damage to his organs have been found.
Valine may help treat liver and gallbladder disease, as well as damage to these organs caused by alcoholism and drug abuse.
It stores these toxins away along with other fatty tissues to prevent any damage to any organs.
Even if your body does not produce antibodies to gluten, unmetabolised gluten can cause damage to your organs.
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