Sentences with phrase «damage to tissue»

It is not a surgical tool, and does not cut, burn, or otherwise cause damage to tissue in any way.
In order to avoid permanent damage to the tissues surrounding the knee there are several things to consider.
The chronic inflammation caused by gaining weight leads to oxidative damage to tissues and cells, which leads to an inflammatory reaction.
It is the only water that can be taken into the body without damage to the tissues.
«The potential damage to tissues located behind cell barriers needs to be considered when using nanoparticles for targeting disease states,» the team writes.
Chronic oxidative stress — meaning chronic presence of overly reactive oxygen - containing molecules and cumulative damage to tissue by these molecules — is a risk factor for the development of most cancer types.
Our bodies use protein to build muscle and to repair damage to tissues in the body.
In some cases, a dental professional may recommend periodontal therapy to help prevent damage to the tissues and bone surrounding the teeth.
The drug was injected in no more than three sites since we did not want to cause extensive damage to the tissue covering the injection site and cause inflammation.
This leads to excess glucose in the bloodstream, which is severely damaging to tissues in the blood vessels and brain.
Additionally, periodontal disease may lead to holes from the mouth to the nasal passages, damage to the tissues around the teeth, heart problems, and kidney failure.
Along with being uncomfortable and distressing for the dog, it causes damage to all tissue within the body.
The unfortunate this that they cause rapid, permanent damage to the tissues, including inside of the ear.
This potential damage to tissues and DNA poses risks to our health and has been linked to cancer, reproductive issues, and cognition problems in animals.
Moreover, angelica contains high amounts of flavonoids, which are antioxidants that prevent free radicals damage to tissues, ultimately supporting cardiovascular health and relieving inflammation.
The word chronic here is important because acute or short - term inflammation is part of the healing process during injury, but chronic or long - term inflammation left unchecked causes damage to the tissues of the body and is a major risk factor for many diseases.
In a couple of circumstances, kids who ingest the eggs can endure eye harm or blindness as a result of the worm larvae move by means of the body inflicting damage to the tissues.
Thanks to scars from previous C - section procedures, there might be enough damage to the tissues of the uterus, and stress on the body will manage to make it difficult for baby to leave via the V.
When soil dries out, plants slow down their growth, reduce photosynthetic activity, and suffer damage to their tissues.
Smoking, alcohol, excessive salt intake, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs cause damage to the tissue lining the stomach, and are associated with stomach ulcers.
In Wilson disease, mutations in the copper transporter ATP7B result in the build - up of copper in the brain and liver, leading to irreversible damage to these tissues.
Degenerative aging is a consequence of the progressive accumulation of damage to tissue cellular and molecular structures over time; specific diseases of aging emerge when the cumulative burden of such damage in a particular tissue exceeds the minimum required to sustain its core biological functions.
When you feel these symptoms, it means that your body no longer has any reserve in the muscles you're trying to work on and there has been some minor damage to the tissue.
AGEs cause widespread damage to tissues through inflammation and linking itself to collagen.
CAUTION: Many essential oils, if used undiluted, can cause serious damage to tissues.
The aim is to bio-stimulate because of the low power nature of these lasers, the effects are biochemical and not thermal and can therefore can not cause heat damage to tissue.
It also increases efficiency of white blood cells to kill bacteria and aids in infection control, assists treatment of chronic bone infections (osteomyelitis), reduces swelling (edema), reverses damage to tissues exposed to radiation therapy and reduces effects from toxic exposure of carbon monoxide.
It is very damaging to the tissue it is used on, and could even be absorbed into the bloodstream and cause a fatal embolism.
The prognosis of any GDV patient depends on how soon the animal receives treatment and the extent of damage to the tissues involved.
In Open - Air it provides powerful healing properties, especially for traumatic damage to tissues, and is even more indicated if there is any bruising (pulmonary contusions) or bleeding.
A lack of liquid nitrogen causes temperatures in tanks to rise, which can cause damage to tissue housed in vials called cryolocks.
But, he notes, «Left alone, your skin replaces at a fairly good rate, so unless you've done permanent damage to the tissue, it will regenerate.»
This graphical abstract depicts the effects of a 2 - year calorie restriction (CR) trial in healthy, non-obese humans, which found evidence that prolonged CR enhances resting energy efficiency, resulting in decreased oxidative damage to tissues and organs.
Distilled water is said to be the greatest solvent on earth; it is the only true water that can be taken into the body without damage to the tissues.
GSH is unique in that it plays a crucial role in protecting us from a wide variety of substances that can do significant damage to our tissues Those suffering from many chronic diseases such as AIDS, advanced diabetes, and cancer have very low levels, hence the obvious importance in human health and why researchers continue to study it.
It is generally advisable to build a high level of Glutathione in ones blood to protect the body from oxidation (damage to the tissue by free radicals).
At least six patients had to undergo revision surgery to replace the defective implants with a properly - functioning implant and / or to repair damage to the tissue and bone.
As an antioxidant, lipoic acid scavenges highly reactive «free radical» compounds and neutralizes them before they can inflict damage to tissues and structures throughout the body, notably cell membranes, DNA and proteins.
Avocado flesh contains a toxic element called persin which can cause damage to tissues in the heart and lungs in many animals.
Specifically, Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder triggered by eating gluten proteins — which results in damage to the tissues of the small intestines.
We want to prevent them from going rancid and oxidizing (which causes damage to our tissues).
The body has the ability to repair normal wear and tear every day to maintain the health of the tissues, but if the wear and tear exceeds the body's ability to repair, there will start to be gradual, permanent damage to tissues,» Moseley said.
One is that the battery can generate a little bit of an electrical current that can cause damage to the tissue.
This is an inpatient procedure in which the baby is sedated and a tiny camera is threaded down through the esophagus, stomach, and sometimes small intestines to see if there's any inflammation or damage to the tissues.
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