Sentences with phrase «damaged blood flow to the brain»

More correctly called «vascular disorders», they involve damaged blood flow to the brain.

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This significantly impairs blood flow in the long term, causing lasting damage to brain cells.
If we are able to prevent pericytes from dying, it should help restore blood flow in the brain to normal and prevent the ongoing slow damage we see after a stroke which causes so much neurological disability in our patients.»
«Abnormally low blood flow indicates damage to NFL players» brains
Fast treatment is critical during a stroke to restore blood flow to the brain and prevent tissue damage, and limit disability.
Earlier treatment is better than later treatment to restore blood flow and prevent or limit damage to the brain, Saver noted.
In cases of Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's or other neurodegenerative disease, adult stem cells can slow the degenerative progression of your symptoms while restoring blood flow to the brain and repairing or replacing damaged tissue.
These cells have the ability to cross the blood - brain barrier and travel directly into the nervous system to improve blood flow to the brain and repair some of the nerve damage which has occurred as a result of your degenerative disease or neurological injury.
This enables the doctors to target your stem cells inside the brain to re-establish blood flow and repair damaged nerve cells (neurons).
Doctors at Okyanos utilize a specifically developed Okyanos protocol for opening up the blood brain barrier to help deliver stem cells directly to the brain; a technique that has been proven effective in independent studies This enables doctors to target your stem cells inside the brain to re-establish blood flow and repair damaged nerve cells (neurons) as well as target the restoration of myelin, halting the future progression of symptoms.
Once in your brain, your stem cells are called upon to perform the important task of improving blood flow to tissues, halting destructive inflammation and premature tissue death, while ultimately replacing damaged cells.
In an ongoing clinical trial funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, 3K3A - APC alone is being given to patients within a few hours of ischemic stroke (blocked blood flow to the brain), to determine if the protein can help protect against brain damage.
These areas of brain damage were also more likely to be found in individuals with impaired blood flow.
This combination of a lack of fuel, lack of nutrients, lack of thyroid hormone, a damaged metabolism, along with decreased blood flow to your brain...
Both strength training and aerobic exercise have been shown protect neuron health, ensure better blood flow to the brain, and protect the brain from the damaging proteins that cause Alzheimer's.
This is one area where conventional emergency medicine excels, as there are emergency medications that can actually dissolve a blood clot that is blocking blood flow to your brain, and if done quickly enough can virtually reverse any permanent neurological damage.
Ginkgo may work by increasing blood flow in the brain, helping to remove free radicals that can damage cells, and reducing inflammation.
Scientific evidence demonstrates regular exercise improves your productivity, sleep quality and blood flow to your brain, 1 while reducing the development of damaging neurological plaques.2 Unfortunately, less than 25 percent of Americans over the age of 45 engage in resistance exercises, 3 which are among the most important exercises to stay fit and healthy.
Homocysteine levels rise with age, and increasing levels can lead to a damaging chain reaction of effects — research has revealed that elevated homocysteine levels can disrupt delicate arterial linings, increase inflammation and oxidative stress, decrease blood flow to the heart and brain and set the stage for atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease.
Researchers have discovered that fruit in general provides a boost to the brain because specific properties contained in some fruits can inhibit the development of dementia, potentially hold off Alzheimer's, naturally increases the blood flow to the brain, slow down the aging process specifically related to the brain, and can reduce the risk of damage to brain cells.
Apparently the increased blood flow to brain helps damaged brain tissue heal.
If your dog is pulling into his collar, choking and spluttering, he can be doing some real physical damage to himself - not to mention the impeded blood flow to the brain and the anxiety that anyone feels if there is pressure on the neck.
Stroke is a term that describes a loss of blood flow to an area of the brain, causing neuronal cell damage.
Maintaining good blood flow immediately after the head injury is also important to minimize the damage suffered to the brain.
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