Sentences with phrase «danger of dying»

CO2 levels during the last Ice Age were so low that many plants were in danger of dying for lack of one of their basic nutrients, CO2.
Last month, the Dutch government announced that a third of the nation's forests were in immediate danger of dying as a result of two factors — drought and soil acidification.
Your child will most likely not need life insurance because statistically they are not in danger of dying until decades down the road.
I don't think that we're really in danger of dying out as a species.
The sanctuary is a place of last resort for animals in immediate danger of dying.
Patients in danger of dying from uncontrollable bacterial infections could find new allies: killer viruses known as phages.
They were forced to subsist on edible weeds and roots, and were in danger of dying of thirst and hunger.
In recent years, Wolford feared the tradition was in danger of dying for lack of interest among people in their 20s and 30s.
I didn; t notice any mention of maternal danger of dying.
Blood transfusions can be used in dogs with IMHA if necessary but they can make the condition worse so most vets reserve this approach for dogs that appear to be in imminent danger of dying due to severe anemia.
Also, the population density of Bangladesh is very high, while less so in the developed world, so a greater number of people were in grave danger of dying or being left homeless (at the very least).
So in context in Gen. 3 the serpent story appears to be one of those explanatory tales like in Aesop, that explain how certain things came to be in the world, like women drawn to men, children and adults in danger of dying from serpent bites, people toiling and dying even though they have god - like knowledge.
Even if it's not immediate danger of dying, it's still imprisoning to know you could develop hives, itching, difficulty breathing, wheezing, migraines, or any of the other symptoms.
«Indeed, any Ghanaian is more in danger of dying from road accident than from these Guantanamo detainees because they are with our security service and they are under surveillance.
We are in no danger of dying out as a race.
In addition, five mini-studies were conducted within these same nine communities on congregations that were in danger of dying.
In our days, when in vast areas of the world the faith is in danger of dying out like a flame which no longer has fuel, the overriding priority is -LSB-...] to show men and women the way to -LSB-...] that God whose face we recognise in a love which presses «to the end» (cf. Jn 13:1)
We have an oral tradition and unfortunately Seneca culture and language are in danger of dying.
Not all of these experiences actually coincide with brushes with death — one study of 58 patients who recounted near - death experiences found 30 were not actually in danger of dying, although most of them thought they were.
This would require our distant descendants to develop the same physiology as the Sherpa people of Nepal, who can live comfortably at elevations that make most other people either ill or in danger of dying.
But it isn't just the super-incapable that are in danger of dying in dangerous situations; it's also millions of people who consider themselves «fit» because they exercise on a regular basis, look pretty and strong, or train using popular TV promos with crazy gimmicks like» reverse interval training.»
Regardless of whether Godzilla is destroying New York, killing seamen like Jaws, or the baby lizards are going after the heroes Alien - style, you won't feel any fear or menace, as if you know none of them are in danger of dying.
Tayar's last comment raises an interesting point: None of the analysts I spoke with think Android as a whole is in danger of dying, as the phone platform remains quite strong.
Puppies that have grown that weak are in danger of dying.
They can not confiscate an animal unless it is in danger of dying.
And the danger of dying in a hot car.
Although Beagles have been in existence for over 2,000 years, the English are credited with rescuing and restoring the breed during the 1800s when it was in danger of dying out.
Now the puppy or puppies in there are stressed and in danger of dying.
The woman did NOT have $ 1,000 so the veterinarian sent her home with the dog, which was in obvious distress and in danger of dying.
Grossly abnormal, animal in danger of dying, must be seen immediately!
Those with total blood calcium levels below 4.5 mg / dL are in danger of dying.
The package holiday is in danger of dying out, as nearly half of us (42 %) now favour DIY trips abroad, choosing to book our flights and accommodation separately.
My rebuttal has always been, since when did the Xbox brand become in danger of dying?
This franchise is not in any danger of dying as the critical reception and demand is higher than ever before.
The art form is anemic and in danger of dying out.
According to a new study by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the World Heritage coral reefs are in danger of dying out completely by 2040 unless carbon emissions are reduced enough to slow the ocean warming.
Many of us will never get a chance to see a coral reef up close, and with climate change, deforestation and other human - spurred perils, corals are already in danger of dying off completely.
High street law firms are a hugely important part of the profession but they now in danger of dying out, because they do not have the resources to complete the innumerable forms that our over bureaucratic system has created.
Thirteen percent said their «sex life is dead,» and 22 percent said it is «comatose and in danger of dying
Is it completely dead or comatose and in danger of dying?
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