Sentences with phrase «danger of losing the world»

As we attempt to save ourselves we are in danger of losing the world.

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«The world is too much with us»; we are ever in danger of losing our way or finding our faith dim.
In the post-Cold War world, they argue, NASA is in danger of losing its raison d'être.
Many of the world's most unique species are in grave danger, and losing them would delete a swathe of evolutionary history.
«These connections may not have been lost during evolution of humans and other primates after all,» says Martin, who speculates that primates have the best of all possible visual worlds: full stereo vision, and the ability to quickly spot and respond to danger.
In addition to myself and Sally Fallon, our petition was signed by three worldclass scientists: Kilmer S. McCully, MD, father of the homocysteine theory of heart disease, winner of the 1998 Linus Pauling Award and author of The Homocysteine Revolution and The Heart Revolution; Mary G. Enig, PhD, the world renowned biochemist and nutritionist who exposed the dangers of trans fats in the food supply back in the 1970s, vice president of WAPF, author of Know Your Fats and co-author of Eat Fat Lose Fat and Nourishing Traditions; and Galen D. Knight, PhD, a biochemist who has carried out pioneering research on the role of vitalethine in humoral immunity and cancer development.
The City of Lost Children is a stunningly surreal fantasy, a fable of longing and danger, of heroic deeds and bravery, set in a brilliantly realized world of its own.
The stories were filled with the mischief created by Peter and his Lost Boys buddies from their Neverland home, and although there existed elements of danger (Captain Hook), Barre's story was mostly about holding on to the joy and carefree world of childhood.
Klausner explained that the film is about «connection in the modern world — how we're more technically linked to each other than ever before, but we're in danger of losing the magic of direct, face to face human interaction, with all of its surprises and unknowns.»
Among losses in human lives and material goods, and danger from billions of land mines in war regions all over the world, there is one more, hard, long term legacy of war: trauma — present on both individual and communal level, creating traumatized, dysfunctional societies which capacities to recover and progress are inevitable lessen, according to some authors even lost in genetic degeneration trauma could have on generations of human population long - term.
This does a great job of adding some realism and danger to the world, especially if you lose your character that's leveled up the most!
His catastrophic claims also intensified, suggesting «as much as 95 % [of the world's coral] may be in danger of being lost by mid-century.»
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