Sentences with phrase «danger of running»

But DxO had this to say about the Pixel 2 camera: «We're in danger of running out of superlatives when describing the major image quality attributes of the Google Pixel 2.»
By doing that every few days, we were never in danger of running low on battery power.
The trick is that as with term insurance the cost of insurance goes up as you age so you must pay more than the cost of insurance expecially in the beginning or the policy always has a danger of running out of money and the insurance cancelling.
A number of old coal combustion stations were due to close in 2014, putting the UK in danger of running out of power in the second half of this decade.
Less than a decade ago, industry analysts and government officials fretted that the United States was in danger of running out of gas.
Just because oil is not an infinite - supply resource doesn't mean that we're in any realistic danger of running out.
You aren't in any danger of running out of ammunition and there isn't any reloading, but firing most weapons makes your mech slowly overheat.
Good anchorage is easily accessible each night and this helps avoid the danger of running into one of the many unlit fishing boats while you soak in the star lit sky and cool breeze.
Are you in danger of running into any of the obstacles above?
Fortune reported that he moved the firm from New Jersey to Florida in 2006 in order to...» put some space between himself and Wall Street... no matter where he went in town, he was in danger of running into know - it - all investors who might pollute his thinking.»
If your answer is relatively low, say 3 %, your portfolio is in very little danger of running out of money.
They are in danger of running out of money.
The world is in no danger of running low on reading material.
J. Carson Black: She was in danger of running right smack into the Sixties, and what a culture clash that would be — Marilyn versus Janice Joplin.
In the heart of Wisconsin, a project is underway to produce energy from a resource in little danger of running low: cow manure, also known as «brown gold.»
Fed by that mighty plumbing system, Old Faithful is in no danger of running dry.
-- Civilization is in no immediate danger of running out of energy or even just out of oil.
Huot stated yesterday that the crew is also not in danger of running out of essential supplies, despite the loss of the Progress 59 cargo, and has about four months of supplies on hand.
Gov. Ricardo Rosselló said the government was in danger of running out of money because the economy ground to a halt in the wake of Hurricane Maria, which slammed into the island Sept. 20.
Eligible households can receive one regular HEAP benefit per season, but may also be eligible for an emergency HEAP benefit if they are in danger of running out of fuel or having their utility service shut off.
Since Mr. Obama had banked $ 76 million by the end of January, those expenses don't suggest a campaign in danger of running out of money, as Mr. Romney's burn rate does.
Lancman claimed Crowley opposes lifting the Social Security tax cap and cited a May 24 debate during which Lancman claimed that Meng said Social Security funds were in no danger of running out soon.
In case you haven't heard — the world is in no danger of running out of people.
Our church is moving toward the long term development of how to be a Walking Church, but there is always a danger of running before we can walk.
Is your business in danger of running out of cash flow?
2 and Thor: Ragnarok also show that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is in no danger of running out of juice.
In a recent study published in the Journal of Financial Planning, researchers found that retirees in the top quintile of financial wealth were spending nowhere near an amount that would place them in danger of running out of money.
Noting that the San Francisco ride - sharing startup lost somewhere north of $ 1.2 billion in the first half of 2016, Bloomberg's Justin Fox says that's a problem not because Uber's in danger of running out of money — it has raised around $ 15 billion — but because it spent that money without getting anything concrete in return, on ephemeral stuff like incentives to attract new drivers.
The restart of Monju entails the inherent dangers of a run away chain reaction and a serious accident caused by leakage of the molten sodium coolant.
Callendar's work built on the work of others, and others took his hypothesis and refined them, but it was still a very important milestone in our understanding of the dangers of running a gigantic chemical experiment with our planet's atmosphere by pumping billions of tons of carbon into it.
If the idea of joining the Windows Insider program fills you with dread about the dangers of running beta software, consider the Release Preview ring.

Not exact matches

The problem with putting a bunch of experts together is you run the danger of everyone thinking they have all the answers.
In addition to running these «sub-routines» our brains must sort through tons of information that it receives and routes some of it to our conscious minds while filing most of it away in our subconscious where it is compared by the nervous system against our «database of danger
Too many wineries produce too many good grapes, and thus run the danger of driving down prices.
This is one of the dangers of having a highly innovative firm run by a so - called «bean counter» who focuses too much on short - term financial metrics.)
I want to spotlight the Investor Be Aware video contest, run by the Small Investor Protection Association to show the hidden dangers of dealing with financial advisers.
Keeping with the laws of the jungle, these instincts push us to run when in danger and charge when we see opportunity.
Running out of cash during that time is a very real danger for many entrepreneurs.
Running headlong into danger is an act of courage, but not the greatest act of courage.
The very appetite proceeding from labor and peace of mind is gone: we eat just enough to keep us alive: our sleep is disturbed by the most frightful dreams; sometimes I start awake, as if the great hour of danger was come; at other times the howling of our dogs seems to announce the arrival of the enemy: we leap out of bed and run to arms; my poor wife with panting bosom and silent tears takes leave of me, as if we were to see each other no more; she snatches the youngest children from their beds, who, suddenly awakened, increase with their innocent questions the horror of the dreadful moment.
If Catholics run the risk of resolving the divine / human paradox in favor of human free will (Co-Redemptrix), Protestants run the danger of resolving the paradox in favor of divine decree (double predestination — man is a zero).
To detach the life of the mind from the duties of the citizen was to run the danger of aestheticism, examples of which disease, from Oscar Wilde to Ronald Firbank, were frequently paraded before us as evident causes of the weakness that had all but cost us the two world wars.
O Lord, our heavenly Father, almighty and everlasting God, who hast safely brought us to the beginning of this day; defend us in the same with thy mighty power; and grant that this day we fall into no sin, neither run into any kind of danger, but that all our doings, being ordered by thy governance, may be righteous in thy sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
But what you've done is use religion as a hook and if you use the hook for long enough it becomes part of the reality of the problem, and that's the huge danger in places where religious feeling runs high.»
The gay community has been so exercised to deny that homosexual orientation is chosen that it runs the danger of draining homosexual behavior of its human dimension as a chosen act or life.
If we label all human deprivation «poverty,» then we run the danger of minimizing the terrible reality of gross deficiency of food, clothing, and housing.
the holocaust — perpetrated by good xian nazis — evidence of the danger of xian thinking run amok» the Anvil
By the help of evasion, namely, one does not come into danger, and neither does he lose his honor by running away in danger — on the contrary one does not come into danger — that is one advantage.
All history is a running commentary upon the danger of an overextended life.
A wise public official after observing politics in an American city for a number of years said that he would prefer having the city run by elected officials with all the dangers which that involves to administration by political experts; for the politicians often have a human kindness and mercy which the experts lack.
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