Sentences with phrase «danger threshold of»

The amount of warming c.q. climate sensitivity will not much interest politicians, until they understand that it's very very very probable that it will remain below their self - defined danger threshold of 2 C.
When I was tested for arsenic, my level was 12 parts per billion, safely under the official danger threshold of 23 ppb.

Not exact matches

Under current policies, the IEA puts the chances of holding global temperature increases to less than 2 degrees — the threshold at which global warming tips us into the danger zone — at a scant 2 percent.
But aside from this factor, individuals have different thresholds, even with regard to acting and reacting in the face of grave danger.
Are we going to be prepared as we find ourselves at the threshold of the century fast approaching us with its opportunities and dangers?
The new report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), published on Sunday in Berlin, Germany, says «widespread» use of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) will probably be needed to stop the world warming by 2 °C, the politically agreed danger threshold.
Larval oysters and mussels are so sensitive to the saturation state (which is lowered by increasing CO2) that the threshold for danger will be crossed «decades to centuries,» says Waldbusser, ahead of when CO2 increases (and pH decreases) alone would pose a threat to bivalve larvae.
Now a study has identified what appears to be a universal threshold for danger: when the biomass of so - called forage fish drops below one - third of its maximum, seabirds of many species start to have fewer chicks.
Species loss has pushed ecosystems past a danger threshold across more than half of the terrestrial world
Richard Betts, the head of the climate impacts section of Britain's Met Office, recently left a comment on the «skeptic» * blog Bishop Hill stating that thresholds for climate danger, such as the much ballyhooed 2 - degree limit enshrined in recent climate pledges, were not determined by science:
This is the difference between countries» pledged commitments to reduce emissions of heat - trapping greenhouse gases after 2020 and scientifically calculated trajectories giving good odds of keeping global warming below the threshold for danger countries pledged to try to avoid in climate talks in 2010 (to «hold the increase in global average temperature below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels»).
The declaration said that the I.P.C.C. and other studies pointed to clear - cut ecological and social dangers above a threshold of about 3 degrees Fahrenheit of additional warming.
Called the Newfoundland Offshore Burn Experiment, the joint Canadian and American project concluded that combustion consumed most of the more problematic compounds and the levels of harmful compounds in smoke were below danger thresholds outside 150 yards of so of the fire zone.
Both papers come to the same broad conclusion, summarized in our figure, that unless humankind puts on the brakes very quickly and aggressively (i.e. global reductions of 80 % by 2050), we face a high probability of driving climate beyond a 2 °C threshold taken by both studies as a «danger limit».
Of course, most of these results also underscore that even the aspirational 2 ° threshold raises danger levels substantiallOf course, most of these results also underscore that even the aspirational 2 ° threshold raises danger levels substantiallof these results also underscore that even the aspirational 2 ° threshold raises danger levels substantially.
Species loss has pushed ecosystems past a danger threshold across more than half of the terrestrial world
Threshold Reliability: Paragraphs 26 — 32 Threshold reliability is established when the hearsay «is sufficiently reliable to overcome the dangers arising from the difficulty of testing it» (Paragraph 26 AND Khelawon, at para. 49).
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