Sentences with phrase «danger to others»

However, these trucks also pose unique dangers to other drivers.
Not only that, but that kind of dog is also a potential danger to other dogs that want to play with toys and don't take her cues to back off.
Both of these situations pose a great danger to other motorists on the road.
Not only is the aggressive driver a threat to them and their vehicle, but they are also creating considerable dangers to other drivers who are sharing the road.
When a truck driver has not had sufficient rest, he or she poses a serious danger to all other drivers on the road.
This is the way rabbits communicate danger to other rabbits, and sometimes it is a sign of annoyance.
And of course cyclists pose much less danger to others.
There is no evidence of erratic driving and no evidence of actual danger to other drivers or road users.
When a driver is texting, they are not only violating the laws, but they are a considerable danger to others around them.
The sheer weight and size of commercial vehicles pose a major danger to other vehicles on the road.
Immediate danger to other animals or people (you will be advised to bring your foster dog to our office, but handling procedures, codes, etc. will be provided by Rachel / Jen).
Although the machines involved are extraordinarily dangerous, the moral principle governing their use is perfectly ordinary: It is the familiar one that human beings should engage in an activity that poses dangers to others only if, in the totality of the circumstances, doing so is reasonable» i.e., if the good to be achieved, taking account of the probability of success, is proportionate to the possible ill effects.
Drowsy or distracted drivers pose a serious danger to other users of New Orleans» streets.
In other words, while dispersants may have helped spare the Gulf's birds, the chemicals are likely shifting dangers to other species lower in the food chain.
Checking that the accident circumstances present no immediate danger to other staff or to members of the public should happen alongside, or as soon as possible after, the injured party is getting first aid.
Trucks are such a vital part of our economy and necessary to society; however, they also present many dangers to other drivers.
As they also have a limited ability to stop or maneuver quickly, trucks pose numerous dangers to other drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians on the roadways.
Robert T. Miller examines the morality of using unmanned robotic drones: Although the machines involved are extraordinarily dangerous, the moral principle governing their use is perfectly ordinary: It is the familiar one that human beings should engage in an activity that poses dangers to others....
We can talk about what that means but we can't ignore that some people are killers and some are a danger to others.
Terrosists of any kind, including doctor killing pro-lifers, may be a danger to other people, but they are only a danger to your freedoms if the government lets them be, as they may have done here by not allowing Jones to exercise his rights.
Here's the thing Choir Boy... When you believe that which is irrational and invalid, you become a danger to others.
He is a big risk out there and he can be a danger to the others
Most self - injurers will say that they rather hurt themselves than anyone else, but it's a form of self - sacrifice, and so these folks are generally not a danger to other people.
The last time it happened, I marched in there and said, this is not going to happen again; he's not a danger to other kids; this incident was an anomaly.
I know many moms who have had different experiences with pumped milk and liquid formula, varying from airport to airport, but the bottom line is that you are allowed to carry more than 3oz of breast milk or liquid formula, but you most likely will be asked to prove that it isn't a danger to other travelers.
In the case of a particularly troublesome person who is a danger to others, they would use force (violence), or they would hire a mercenary to use force on their behalf.
It would keep children under the age of 18 out of adult prisons, ensure the presence of a parent or guardian during questioning and sentencing and ensure a juvenile will not be imprisoned for breaking parole — given they are not a danger to others — as well as require family support centers and special care for children with significant behavioral health issues.
Steven could be self - injurious and a danger to others; once, he had brought a whole wall unit, including a television, crashing to the floor.
The rhino, Ronnie, was past reproductive age and deemed to be a danger to other wild rhinos.
«It didn't matter whether the subject was a driver or a pedestrian, having the parasite made you more of a danger to other road users,» we went on.
«In this case, the suspect's profile did not indicate that she was using the site inappropriately, or was a danger to any other member.
When Mark meets his uncle's family, he makes fast friends with his same - age cousin Henry (Culkin), although he becomes increasingly concerned about Henry's odd behavior, and soon think that Henry is a danger to other people, including his own family.
Though Lee's writing appears to be anexample of bad taste and poor judgmentrather than a sign of mentalimbalance or danger to others, a case from Long Island, New York, could be the bestexample of how attentionto a student's writing mayhave foiled a plan to attack aschool.
Replace a faulty neutral safety switch promptly, as driving without a functional switch presents a danger to other drivers, passengers, and those around the vehicle.
The Automatic High Beams feature increases uses a camera to detect headlights and tail lights of other vehicles and will automatically switch between high and low beam lights, giving the driver the benefit of high beam, field of visibility without becoming a danger to other road users.
This is what I long for, the breach of peace, the days of disarray when I walked real streets and did things slap - bang and felt angry and ready all the time, a danger to others and a distant mystery to myself.
Neurotic dogs become a danger to other dogs... and sometimes to the people in the home.
It is equally sad to see Danes bounced out of their homes, placed multiple times, because they are too high strung to live with, or are driven by such high prey drive that they are a danger to other animals or small children.
If your puppy survives the infection, he'll no longer carry the virus and won't be a danger to other animals.
You must always be on guard to make sure he isn't put in a position where he becomes a danger to others.
I understood that it was going to be my responsibility to train the dog, and that neglecting any part of it could be a danger to others.
There is no danger to other species.
Since cats are predatory by nature, they themselves are a danger to other wildlife.
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