Sentences with phrase «dangerous blockage»

Small kittens can lick themselves, swallow the clumping litter, and suffer dangerous blockages in their digestive track!
Many pups think the best game of all is to disembowel squeakers or bells, and if swallowed, these can cause dangerous blockages.
But then those cells swarmed, clustered and jammed up the blood vessels causing a potentially dangerous blockage, and that was a revelation, one that could lead to new treatment options for the usually deadly incursions.
I like nylabones because they aren't rawhides [dangerous blockage issues] and because they aren't hard enough to break teeth.
Large chunks of pumpkin and especially corn can get lodged in the stomach or intestines making for an extremely dangerous blockage which would require immediate surgery.
Using powerful computer models, researchers from Brown University have shown for the first time how different types of red blood cells interact to cause sickle cell crisis, a dangerous blockage of blood flow in capillaries that causes searing pain and tissue damage in people with sickle cell disease.
This is because the larger juvenile and adult heartworms die and begin to fragment and these fragments enter your dog's bloodstream, which can create a dangerous blockage in your dog's heart and blood vessels.
If they occur frequently, however, it could cause a dangerous blockage in the digestive tract.
Safely contain all trash (especially food garbage) to prevent ingestion of items that may cause digestive upsets and / or dangerous blockages.
Quick question on clumping litter Ingrid: I remember reading years ago that there were some cats who were getting the residue of clumping litter (since some may lick their paws after using the box or stepping in litter residue on the floor) in their digestive systems, causing a dangerous blockage.
With bloat, your dog's stomach becomes overinflated and twisted, this creating a dangerous blockage.
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