Sentences with phrase «dangerous form of»

The third and most dangerous form of stress response, toxic stress, can result from strong, frequent, or prolonged activation of the body's stress response systems in the absence of the buffering protection of a supportive, adult relationship.
As one cybersecurity measure, the EU commits itself to «encouraging the uptake of [the communications protocol] IPv6» since «the allocation of a single user per IP address» makes it easier «to investigate malicious online behavior» — a reasoning that's at best oversimplified, as this ten - year - old report from the US Department of Commerce explains, and at worst betrays a dangerous form of thinking in which the complete surveillance of each individual's online activities is the implied goal of cybersecurity policy.
Their research has shown that distracted driving is the most dangerous form of driving, worse even than driving under the influence.
President of AAA New York State Thomas Hoy said, «With nearly 2 trillion text messages sent last year, texting represents the most dangerous form of distracted driving.
This is a more dangerous form of skin cancer.
However, the lack of protection provided by a motorcycle also makes it the most dangerous form of transportation available to you.
Perhaps the most dangerous form of oxygen deprivation is cerebral hypoxia, which is a lack of oxygen to the brain.
The most common and potentially dangerous form of distracted driving is texting while driving.
App and drive is just another dangerous form of distracted driving.
You'd think that air travel is the most dangerous form of transportation.
It broadened into an examination of national pipeline safety issues, and how unprepared the nation is for the impending flood of imports of a more corrosive and more dangerous form of oil.
Nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen are necessary for plant growth, but excess nutrients in a water system can cause a dangerous form of pollution known as eutrophication.
The power industry is in rapid transition due to market forces, and the Clean Power Plan asks for a modest amount more to control a very dangerous form of pollution than the unregulated marketplace on its own.
It's strange and alarming that they chose to highlight the most dangerous form of climate intervention (albedo hacking) instead of asking for a big push on carbon capture, which addresses the root cause of the problem and moreover is the key backstop technology for staying under 2 °C in a way that doesn't put the Earth in a perilous state.
They can lead to a dangerous form of anemia.
A study in the journal Archives of Disease in Childhood reported that prebiotics — very similar to those found in breast milk — ward off a dangerous form of dermatitis.
These symptoms are also characteristic of bloat, a potentially dangerous form of gastric dilatation - volvulus, which requires immediate medical attention.
The warning signs of melanoma — a particularly dangerous form of skin cancer — include a sore that doesn't heal, is painful, oozes, or bleeds.
ACV improves heart health by lowering total cholesterol, triglycerides, and very low - density lipoproteins (VLDL), the dangerous form of cholesterol often linked to risk of heart attack.
CM is the most dangerous form of skin cancer, while BCC is very common but does not frequently spread to other parts of the body.
While most develop only few or no symptoms, 2 million develop the most dangerous form of the virus and 25,000 die from it.
The researchers also mention that research is needed to determine whether teens are still turning to this more dangerous form of marijuana in states where recreational marijuana use is now legal for adults to use.
These tumors include melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer that kills an estimated 10,000 people in the United States a year, according to the National Cancer Institute.
If effective in humans, the vaccine could help control a dangerous form of pneumonia that mainly afflicts hospitalized patients and individuals with cystic fibrosis.
Recent findings suggest that malignant melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer, is now five times more common in the UK than it was in the 1970s.
Research presented at the American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting 2014 used a newly designed test for K: B fusion to show that point mutations lead to a more dangerous form of the disease than does K: B fusion.
The lion's share of human costs, however, comes not from accidents but from pollution, which makes fossilfuels the most dangerous form of energy generation (below).
«Our data show that shaking a young child is generally accepted by physicians to be a dangerous form of abuse,» says Narang.
Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer with around 13,300 people diagnosed in the UK each year.
The molecule is a secondary metabolite, also known as a natural product, of Streptomyces bottropensis, and its properties are important because there are not many therapies that effectively manage melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer.
The end result is that cannabis is easily available — probably more so than alcohol, if you're under 18 — but that it is almost impossible to buy anything but the most dangerous form of the drug.
Room sharing is a form of cosleeping, bedsharing and a well - known dangerous form of cosleeping, couch or sofa cosleeping, are mostly used interchangeably... though these terms need to be kept separate.
The data is publicly available on the CDC Wonder website and it shows that PLANNED homebirth is the most dangerous form of birth in the US.
Indeed, homebirth with an American homebirth midwife is the most dangerous form of planned birth in the US (See Homebirth kills babies, Homebirth with a direct entry midwife is th most dangerous form of planned birth, and Inexcusable homebirth death toll in Colorado keeps rising).
Did you know that in the three years that according to CDC statistics, midwife attended planned homebirth is the most dangerous form of planned birth in the US?
Cyberbulling, which has exploded in recent years, is a particularly dangerous form of bullying as the anonymity of the bully only makes the bullied child feel intensely helpless, in addition to feeling humiliated.
Here are eight signs that your church, group or community has slipped into an unhealthy and dangerous form of groupthink.
As soon as we assume ideas are self evident, we're likely developing a dangerous form of binary thinking.
Francis said: «The strategy of this skilled «Father of Lies» is precisely mimicry, that sly and dangerous form of seduction that worms its way into the heart with false and alluring arguments.»
Demonstrating «loving» acts just to make ourselves feel good is a particularly dangerous form of pitfall number 4, being self - centered.
There's an equally dangerous form of self - righteousness that plagues the unconventional, the liberal, and the non-religious types.
«In the modern world, the most dangerous form of determinism is the technological phenomenon.
In my opinion, this represents a much more dangerous form of centralization than bigger blocks and expensive nodes.
Fortunately, Hill does not simply anticipate catastrophe; he closes the book with an informed call for institutional reforms that would lessen the negative consequences of these potentially dangerous forms of work.
Instead it will find covert expression and tempt us to toward ersatz and perhaps dangerous forms of solidarity.
Previously announced emergency regulations intended to curb the sale of increasingly potent and dangerous forms of synthetic marijuana have gone into effect.
The study's conclusions address a major challenge in current standards of care for prostate cancer: Without knowing a tumor's underlying biology, physicians can not reliably predict which of their patients will develop dangerous forms of the disease.
The new method of producing the compound removes many of the dangerous forms of borane and substitutes them with sodium borohydride and sodium bicarbonate (or baking soda), which are less dangerous.
Years of data have linked the sunlamps to dangerous forms of cancer - causing radiation.
(This is why people often get the most dangerous forms of skin cancer in places where they are never exposed to the sun, but that is a topic for another day!)
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