Sentences with phrase «dangerous health issues»

Dog's with pica can be at risk for intestinal blockage and other dangerous health issues.
After conducting some extensive research on the subject, he was more convinced than ever that the cause of many dangerous health issues is sugar, not fat, so he launched the lobbying group Action on Sugar together with a group of fellow medical specialists.
Did the company encourage or look the other way at employee violations of safety regulations such as hours of service or dangerous health issues such as sleep apnea and chronic fatigue.
Some dogs won't eat the stuffing but others love it, and ingestion can cause intestinal blockages and other dangerous health issues.
With studies unfolding, it is evident that excessive sugar intake can lead to dangerous health issues.
What can we do if you have already fallen victim to the dangerous health issues of Yaz?
With no cure for type 1 diabetes, this suggests just how advanced and dangerous the health issue can be.
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