Sentences with phrase «dangerous interference»

In many ways it would itself constitute dangerous interference with the climate system.
Limiting warming to 2C is a laudable aspiration — one that gives us a decent chance (not certainty) of avoiding dangerous interference with the climate system.
Most of the world's nations have promised to avoid dangerous interference in the Earth's climate system.
The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change established the principle of «common but differentiated responsibilities» among nations, suggesting that industrialized nations that had produced the greatest share of historic emissions bore particular responsibility for preventing dangerous interference with the climate system.
A follow on question (a tad impolite) is, if the sensitivity number is not a guide to possible future temperatures, and therefor policy planning (like a threshhold of dangerous interference per UNFCCC), what is it good for?
Indeed, empirical information on GHGs and climate change during Earth's history provides powerful confirmation of our understanding of climate change as well as quantitative evaluation of the level of GHGs that will constitute dangerous interference with nature.
Even if all nations agree in principle, any levels of emissions cuts acceptable to both the global North and global South would not be enough to forestall dangerous interference with the climate.
The 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, just after saying that countries should avoid such dangerous interference with the climate, adds that atmospheric greenhouse gas levels should be stabilized «within a time frame sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change.»
Telecommunications giants T - Mobile complained to the FCC that the activity of some bitcoin miners was causing dangerous interference with its broadband internet and now the Federal Communication Commission has passed its verdict.
The UNFCCC's purpose is to stabilise greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere at levels that prevent dangerous interferences with the climate system.
Mann said of the possible record, «hopefully it will also drive home the urgency of reducing carbon emissions if we are to avoid dangerous interference with our climate.»
«There is a clear message from science: To avoid dangerous interference with the climate system, we need to move away from business as usual,» said Ottmar Edenhofer of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, a co-chair of the report.
This is when sodium in the baby's bloodstream becomes diluted, causing tissues to swell and leading to dangerous interference with brain activity.
«We see no evidence of Kyoto actually leading to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, much less of stimulating the fundamental technological change that will be required to achieve the 60 - 80 % reductions in greenhouse gas emissions that scientists tell us the world will need to achieve in order to prevent what the Framework Convention calls «dangerous interference with the atmosphere».»
Second, attention to these dramatic threats then leads to a debate over scientific certainty as was the case through the 1990s on manmade causes generally or since 2006 on the connection to extreme weather, the overall severity of the climate change threat, or the timeline until society reaches human induced «dangerous interference» with the Earth's climate.
Although any definition of «dangerous interference» is by necessity based on its social and political ramifications and, as such, depends on the level of risk deemed acceptable, deep emission reductions are unavoidable in order to achieve stabilization.

Phrases with «dangerous interference»

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