Sentences with phrase «dangerous items remove»

Not exact matches

You can help keep your family safe by removing dangerous objects that your baby could easily come into contact with when crawling, for example poisonous plants, washing liquid, bleaches, and other items you keep on the floor or in low cabinets.
«By removing these items from the home, residents are eliminating a potentially dangerous situation.»
Also remove potentially dangerous or poisonous items such as electrical cords, needles, thread, string, ribbon, pins, medications, food items (particularly chocolate) and houseplants *.
Hamsters love to explore rooms, so if you decide to allow your pet to do so, remove all dangerous items and make sure the room is inescapable.
Eliminate or block off unsafe nooks and crannies where frightened animals may hide, remove dangerous items, and keep your pets inside of the house.
Removing from the deceased person any battery machines, bypasses, jewels and any other items that would be dangerous when exposed to fire before the cremation
The best way to reduce the risk of injury to children is to remove a potentially dangerous item or add a safety product...
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