Sentences with phrase «dangerous race»

Germany's Nürburgring is among the most challenging and dangerous race tracks in the world.
«They tell me that it is a fast and somewhat dangerous race track.
Ready for an Amazing and Dangerous Racing around the City?
The player races by means of what is called a hydrojet, and to give an idea of how dangerous these races can be, the player is clad in armor.
«We are losing a dangerous race to eliminate artemisinin resistant... malaria before widespread resistance to the partner antimalarials makes that impossible,» said Nicholas White, a professor at Oxford University in Britain and Mahidol University in Thailand who co-led the research.
When Scott's aide, Martin «Jiggs» Casey (Kirk Douglas) stumbles on shattering evidence that the General is plotting a coup to overthrow Lyman in seven days, «Jiggs» alerts the President, setting off a dangerous race to thwart the takeover.
After a chance encounter and a moment of kindness, Astrid finds herself presented with the opportunity of a lifetime: a chance to ride a Titan in the dangerous races and a shot at prize money that could save her family from an increasingly desperate existence.
The cause of death: werewolf bite... Charlie finds himself in a dangerous race against the rising of the full moon and faces a terrible truth — the werewolf who bit him ten years ago is back on the Isle!
To obtain a key, players must finish a dangerous race that seems impossible until Wade finds an alternate path, literally going backwards in order to move forwards.
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