Sentences with phrase «dangerous than other dogs»

Fear: Pit Bulls are more dangerous than other dogs.
Pit bulls are more dangerous than other dogs.
Opponents of BSL assume that if they can simply muster enough facts, provide enough research, demonstrate sufficiently that Pits are no more dangerous than any other dog, that logic will prevail.
That's due to the tendency in the United States to falsely stereotype pit bulls as innately more dangerous than other dog breeds.
It is NOT a fact that Pit Bulls are no more dangerous than any other dog.

Not exact matches

Some dog breeds are more «dangerous» than others.
some dogs are more dangerous than other breeds.
There is ample evidence to suggest that certain breeds of dogs are more dangerous to children than others.
His city's assertion that «pit bulls are more dangerous than other breeds of dog» has withstood legal challenges, he said.
The point is no matter how much we love are pets there are certain dog breeds that statistically are more dangerous than others.
I have met more little dogs that were MORE TROUBLESOME dangerous than others.
Since the 1980s, the media have falsely portrayed the pitbull as a bloodthirsty monster, inherently more dangerous than other strong breeds of dog.
The bill specifies that an owner of a «dangerous dog» must «Leash, chain, tie or tether the dog to an inanimate object other than one within a secure enclosure, such as a tree or building.»
The darker the chocolate, the more dangerous for canines: A single ounce of baking chocolate is toxic to a 10 — pound dog, though she can consume 10 ounces of milk chocolate without serious consequences (other than a possible upset stomach).
MYTH: Dogs of certain breeds are more dangerous or likely to bite than others.
Meanwhile, U.S. District Judge Henry E. Hudson deliberated for months over what to do with the dogs impounded from Vick: 66 in all, 48 of whom remained in custody after 13 dogs other than pit bulls were rehomed by local humane societies, one dog believed to be a pit bull but later officially called «not a pit bull» was returned to an owner who was not charged in the case, and five pit bulls either died or were euthanized due to dangerous behavior.
Other than focusing on killing the fleas on the dog, dog owners should also consider using safe, veterinarian - approved products meant to kill all life stages of the flea so to eradicate them from the dog's environment, and with ticks, the earlier they are removed, the better, as the longer they stay attached the higher chances of transmitting dangerous diseases.
But supporters of banning the dogs, which include the city's Animal Care Division, have said pit bulls are more dangerous than other breeds and should be barred from Aurora.
The lopsided risk associated with giving pit bulls a second or third chance would be even greater if pit bull advocates are correct in asserting that pit bulls are more likely than other breeds to be killed after their first violent incident which would mean that relatively few pit bulls get further chances, and that those who do are among the dogs considered least likely to be genuinely dangerous.
I told the animal control guy that the man was more dangerous than the dog and to tell his family to keep him confined and off of other people's private property.
«To reduce dog bites, we need to look at all dogs, because pit bulls, contrary to some urban legends, aren't a dog that's more aggressive than others, or a dog that's particularly dangerous; all dogs are potentially dangerous,» he added.
In its paper, «A Community Approach to Dog Bite Prevention», the task force concluded there is no evidence any breed of dog is more vicious or dangerous than the otheDog Bite Prevention», the task force concluded there is no evidence any breed of dog is more vicious or dangerous than the othedog is more vicious or dangerous than the others.
(Wagner, Cornelia, DVM, MS, «Are certain dog breeds more dangerous than others
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