Sentences with phrase «dangerous than treated»

In fact, untreated illness is more dangerous than treated, by far.

Not exact matches

Those who look like the rest of you, who are an integral part of this society and who move freely through this society but are treated badly and abused are far more dangerous than any Taliban, Al Qeda or terrorist from OUTSIDE the US.
The teacher's approach to such problems might start from three assumptions: (a) the teacher should be concerned with how science fits into the larger framework of life, and the student should raise questions about the meaning of what he studies and its relation to other fields; (b) controversial questions can be treated, not in a spirit of indoctrination, but with an emphasis on asking questions and helping students think through assumptions and implications; an effort should be made to present viewpoints other than one's own as fairly as possible, respecting the integrity of the student by avoiding undue imposition of the lecturer's beliefs; (c) presuppositions inevitably enter the classroom presentation of many subjects, so that a viewpoint frankly and explicitly recognized may be less dangerous than one which is hidden and assumed not to exist.
The evolution of such resistance does not cause the organism to be more intrinsically virulent than strains of Staphylococcus aureus that have no antibiotic resistance, but resistance does make MRSA infection more difficult to treat with standard types of antibiotics and thus more dangerous.
They may come back if us Jesus people STOP treating them as more sinful and depraved than us of even as dangerous.
But the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) warns that over-the-counter medications aren't effective for treating kids» coughs and colds and can be dangerous for children younger than 6.
The playground is the perfect place for these activities, but sometimes poorly maintained equipment can be downright dangerous: In 2012, more than 200,000 children were treated in hospital emergency rooms for injuries related to playground equipment.
Because of its appeal to a variety of insects, conventional cotton gets treated with pesticides more than any other crop except coffee.The pesticides used, cyanide, dicofol, naled, propargite and trifluralin, are all known to cause cancer, and have been classified by the US Environmental Protection Agency as the most dangerous pesticides.
Yet marijuana is far less dangerous than many other drugs, and cannabis or its derivatives have been used to treat everything from chronic pain to post-traumatic stress disorder to childhood epilepsy.
A new kind of eyedropper can deliver tiny droplets of medication, treating the eye more precisely than traditional eyedroppers, while reducing waste and avoiding dangerous side effects.
In addition, if ß amyloid does play an important protective role in the brain, it might make sense to treat it more like cholesterol — which is needed by all cells but dangerous in high levels — than something that needs to be completely eliminated, Tanzi says: «Slow it down, yes — but don't wipe it out.»
The perverse incentives of the health care payment system have long made it far more lucrative to treat severe, dangerous asthma attacks than to prevent them.
Vitamin C will also neutralize Chloramine (chlorine and ammonia) which is also often used in treating water and which can be more dangerous than Chlorine.
It seems orthodox medicine is using their tricks to make it look like Cesium Chloride is more dangerous than chemotherapy when treating cancer.
Now that there is more and more proof that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) are more dangerous than thought to be in the past, there is more reason to try alternatives to treat pain.
Not only were audiences treated to The Room, but the gang pre-gamed with a black and white children's safety film, «Live and Learn» that featured more lessons than you can shake a dangerous pointed stick at.
If we become a country that rejects facts and analyses that do not support our political positions, sees research independently conducted and reviewed as dangerous, treats public education as only one — and one of the least desirable — ways to educate our children, makes it even harder than it is now for poor and minority children to get a college education, then, in my view, our days are numbered.
Heartworms are both harder to treat and more dangerous than the aforementioned parasites.
Many dogs often tend to swallow rather than chew, and that can make large marshmallows for dogs a dangerous treat if the marshmallow gets lodged in your dog's throat.
While heartworm disease treatments are available for canines, the process of treating an infected dog is much more costly and dangerous than preventative measures.
Because treating heartworm is so dangerous, if your dog has not had heartworm prevention for more than 3 months a heartworm test is necessary before you start using a preventative.
It may seem that the journey to visit us is more dangerous than the disease you are trying to treat!
Heartworm disease treatments are available for dogs, but treating for heartworms is much more costly and dangerous to the animal than simply preventing it.
Cecilia Saulters - Tubbs found that district attorneys were less likely to file charges against female drug offenders than against male offenders, while Donna Bishop and Charles Frazier found, similarly, that boys were treated more punitively than girls for delinquency offenses and that girls were less likely than boys to receive a sentence involving incarceration.10 Such studies suggest that the system treats girls as less criminally dangerous than boys.11 Other research, however, notes that once legal variables are controlled, girls are treated similarly to boys in the early stages of court processing but more harshly in the later stages.12 Earlier studies pointing toward more «chivalrous» treatment of girls may thus have failed to consider differences in the underlying seriousness of the offenses involved.
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