Sentences with phrase «dangerous thought»

I see plenty of reason to listen to people who undergo psychiatric and express dangerous thoughts and behavior.
That is THE most dangerous thought line you could imagine.
With the devastating announcement that the family trio will be moving back to the country, Laurent and Thérѐse entertain dangerous thoughts of how to remove Camille from the picture.
But I think it is dangerous thinking for birthmothers to be sitting around talking about the children they placed like they're the ones mothering them.
If we did not change our education, we would still be gathered in caves, worshipping fire and lightning, or dealing with medicine by bloodletting and you, my curious friend, might have been lobotomized for hysterical dangerous thoughts.
This is a reply to Will not Azriel, Did you just justify brutally murdering your own family members who strangers for believing in another diety???!!! That's a very dangerous thought Will sir.
The oh so dangerous thought: «I need to wait until I have more time for this.»
When you only have a handful of large ISPs where AT&T has been known to split your data to share with the NSA and authorities, that is dangerous thinking [1].
This is dangerous thinking that can obscure opportunities to pursue new processes or revenue streams — or to respond to indelible market indicators.
There is an implication that higher profit equals greater happiness, and this is dangerous thinking.
Leave your dangerous thinking in the church where you and your buddies can play with it together.
if a church of 100 thinks that they will grow to 1,000 in 5 months without changing anything they are doing, then yes, that is dangerous thinking.
Respectfully speaking, I am sensing some dangerous thought processes here.
I think one dangerous thought is the grand assumption in most of humanity that true black evil doesn't exist.
Each religion does this and most believers have no idea how unoriginal and universal their primitive, dangerous thinking is.
But critically never allow the fans the dangerous thought of «expecting» to «win» the Premiership.
Keeping a vow to «stay together no matter what» could be dangerous thinking, yet that's what many promise each other when they wed..
If you feel depressed for longer than 2 weeks or if you have troubling or dangerous thoughts, see your health professional.
It is dangerous thinking that you can pay attention to your relationship after the kids have grown up.
To me, this is all dangerous thinking because, again, it implies who you are in this exact moment isn't enough.
«It's dangerous thinking and dangerous labelling and it's outdated,» wrote Rochester on her blog.
That's dangerous thinking, and yet how many people do exactly that?
«Electricity always follows the path of least resistance» This is wrong and dangerous thinking, as it makes some believe that electricity ONLY follows the path of least resistance, and can not follow multiple paths.
One of the other travel «do's» out there is to travel like a local - a dangerous thought if you think about it more deeply.
Talking of risk, I maintain there are no dangerous thoughts; thinking itself is dangerous.
Her 2016 exhibition, Shitty Teen, utilized actual pages from her high school journals to convey the underbelly of adolescence with a stockpile of dangerous thoughts, expressions of self - destruction, and declarations of inner - loathing — creating a visceral adaption of Lindsey's teenage life.
NO, I am afraid that the when we dig deeper and deeper into the LegalZOOMS of the world we will find that we lawyers have made some awful mistakes by letting them get away with this wrong and dangerous thinking.
Thinking that Santa Clarita renters insurance is a wasteful use of your money is a dangerous thought pattern to have.
If it is determined that the child is at risk and the child refuses to talk, is argumentative, responds defensively, or continues to express violent or dangerous thoughts or plans, arrangements should be made for an immediate evaluation by a mental health professional with experience evaluating children and adolescents.
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