Sentences with phrase «dangerous words»

To declare bonds are riskier than stocks is just another way of saying «this time it's different,» long recognized as the four most dangerous words in investing.
The four most dangerous words in investing are «This time it's different».
These are already dangerous words, because they can invite oppression: the state, after all, might reasonably conclude that many different ends are compelling.
Staying and interacting with dangerous words or behaviour is not taking good care of yourself.
Perhaps the most dangerous word, however, is phase.
Investment guru John Templeton is known to have remarked that «this time it's different» are the four most dangerous words for investors.
The company has seven employees, and while it has a system monitoring for posts containing dangerous words — «cut,» «kill,» «bomb» — the general bullying common in high schools is slipping through the cracks.
This Week: Kevin kicks off the show with some possibly dangerous words about gender politics and judging actresses by their physical appearance.
As the manager of a small electronics engineering and manufacturing facility in Souther Cal, in another life, I soon learned that the most dangerous words coming out of the mouths of engineers were «All we need to do is...» and «Just make it this way...»
There is an old saying, though: «The four most dangerous words for an investor are «This time it's different.»»
As to the investment implications of this «new, new normal,» Gross surprises by quoting legendary money manager Sir John Templeton's four most dangerous words in investing — «it's different this time.»
«I don't think this is about being a Republican or a Democrat, it's about condemning a very dangerous word,» Astorino said.
John Templeton, a 20th century investing master, once said, «The four most dangerous words for an investor are «This time it's different».
I know those are the four most dangerous words in the investing world, and ignoring history is folly.
Four of the most dangerous words in investing are «This time is different.»
This explains why many traditional rules of etiquette, from Erasmus's handbook in the 16th century to the explosion of guides to good manners during the Victorian era, were designed to govern how words, these marvelous, dangerous words, should be used.
The words of Peter and of Paul are, like so many words in the Bible, dangerous words, easily turned into triumphalism, which Niebuhr would call the henotheistic worship of the Christian community rather than the one God.
Ought and must and should are dangerous words I use very rarely.
But against all that, this poet of the exile, who knew about the pathos of Hosea and the promise of Jeremiah, flings his dangerous words.
Stewart - Cousins» spokesman Mike Murphy said there was «no place in our discourse, political or otherwise, for these dangerous words
In one of those what - were - you - thinking moments, the result of too much wine and too little forethought the night before, I uttered the four most dangerous words in the English language: «hell yeah, I'm in!»
They say the most dangerous words a drunk can hear are, «A little drink won't hurt you.»
Whiplash asserts that, without fathers to push and prod and motivate, so many young men who might otherwise be world - renowned artists or athletes or astronauts, instead simply settle for what Fletcher calls the two most dangerous words in the English language: «Good Job».
«And I think that quota is such a loaded and dangerous word in this society — it invokes this sense that somehow underqualified people are going to get my job.»
, Charlie & Frog, Little Do We Know, Neanderthal Opens The Door To The Universe, Picture Us In The Light, The Itchy Book, Thomas Paine And The Dangerous Word and many, many more.
John Templeton says, The four most dangerous words in investing are: «this time it's different» What does he mean here?
SEO is a dangerous word.
That's why it's a dangerous word.
Here's why... «This Time, It's Different» One of the most basic and well - known premises of technical analysis trading is that history tends to repeat itself or as Sir John Templeton said: «The four most dangerous words in investing are: «this time,
While try is the most dangerous word that an employee or job seeker can use in the workplace, there are certainly other danger words that also indicate negativity, uncertainty or controversy at work and can also doom your chances of getting (or keeping) a job.
Play online games together, watch movies together, sing, play different games, it creates a bonding and sets you free from the dangerous word «what else!»
«It's a dangerous word to use.»
«The four most dangerous words in investing are «This time it's different,»» said Sir John Templeton, a famous investor and mutual fund pioneer.
I think fraud is a dangerous word to be throwing around.
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