Sentences with phrase «dangerously damaging levels»

Not exact matches

Their studies revealed that a subset of normal breast precursor cells, called luminal progenitors, have dangerously short telomeres and display a correspondingly high level DNA damage response localized at their chromosome ends.
As a result, dangerously high levels of insulin and glucose may go undetected for years, by which time serious damage may already have occurred).
Revival contains dangerously high levels of soy phytoestrogens — at levels per serving four times greater than those causing thyroid damage in healthy Japanese men and women.
If this damage is left untreated, you can expect to have to deal with painful ulcers, embarrassing weight gain, and above all, a dangerously high level of cortisol production within the body.
Maybe also note that the A / C system is automatically turned off if a dangerously low level (pressure) of refrigerant is sensed, so that no permanent damage will occur.
Once the therapeutic dose for your pet is determined, phenobarbital blood levels and liver function tests will need to be monitored at least every six months to ensure that your pet's blood levels stay within the therapeutic range (i.e. that they do not get dangerously high or low), and that the no damage to the liver is occurring.
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