Sentences with phrase «dangers of artificial intelligence»

Pichai recently spoke about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence.
As I vaguely recall, 2001: A Space Odyssey might have been trying to tell us something about the dangers of artificial intelligence.
Musk has trolled Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg before — and vice versa — about their views on the dangers of artificial intelligence.
Before him, renowned physicist Stephen Hawking and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, issued similar warnings about the future dangers of artificial intelligence.
Ultimately Age of Ultron does feel a bit sloppy and even hollow, as Whedon touches so very briefly on things like the dangers of artificial intelligence, what it means to be a superhero and even whether the Avengers are truly a force for good, and then doesn't come back to them because he has a checklist of things to hit.
Last week's skirmish between visionary inventor Elon Musk and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg over the dangers of artificial intelligence (AI) was entertaining if not especially nuanced or specific.
Major figures in the technology and science world have warned of the potential dangers of artificial intelligence.
He has also been vocal about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence — even describing AI as «the greatest risk we face as a civilization» while engaging in a war of words with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg over their disagreement on the subject.
Elon Musk has emerged as a leading voice in speaking out on the potential dangers of artificial intelligence, going so far as to call it the «biggest existential threat» to humanity.

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We're primed for eye - opening conversations about the dangers and opportunities of our truly borderless world, about the real - world (and now - world) promises of precision medicine and artificial intelligence, and about the end of privacy as we know it.
The complex is controlled by a sophisticated artificial intelligence presence known as the Red Queen, whose defense mechanism upon danger is to kill everyone in the complex, which, thanks to the T - Virus, brings them back to «life» in the form of zombies.
Bad design and flawed programming have been the primary dangers posed by much of the computerized weaponry deployed to date, but this is rapidly changing as computer systems with some degree of artificial intelligence become increasingly autonomous and complex.
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