Sentences with phrase «dangers something poses»

Typically, the stronger the storm, the more danger they pose to anything or anyone in its path.
She struggles to reconcile the man she loved with the family he had, particularly their hostility towards her, threatened by a perceived danger she poses to the fabric of their family.
Drivers exhibiting road rage will often take their stress, anxiety and anger out on other drivers without even realizing the extreme danger they pose to other motorists sharing the road.
While there is a lot of controversy regarding its use because of the many potential dangers it poses not only to your pooch but also you, other people, and other pets, with the correct mindset and understanding of what needs to be done to make walking dogs with retractable leashes a lot safer for everyone, these contraptions can make for excellent tools for you to satisfy one of your pet's innate needs.
This is when meteorologists across the nation are warning viewers about imminent snowstorms on the horizon, along with the associated dangers they pose for road conditions.
For a more in depth analysis of our financial problems and the inherent dangers they pose for the U.S. economy and U.S. dollar denominated investments, read my new book «Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse.»
The dogma has been that the more smooth muscle cells in that wall — particularly in the innermost layer referred to as the «fibrous cap» — the more stable the plaque is and the less danger it poses.
Fortunately many companies are switching away from using BPA, realising the awful danger it poses to developing kids.
We should be way past the issue of convincing people of the real and present danger it poses, but unfortunately there's a very powerful and rich lobby with vested interests in causing climate change and then denying it's even happening.
And Thursday, the Environmental Protection Agency took the first step in a process that could end in the decision to regulate those emissions, announcing its intention to study the health dangers they pose.
Finally, and of particular concern to Byle and his family, authorities claimed that because of the alleged potential danger he posed to Turkey, the government had the «right to supervise» him for 30 days — meaning they could hold him for a month without filing charges against him.
This book contains not only stories from my own pastoral experience, but lots of quotes, cartoons and reflections all around this topic of visionary thinking and the danger it poses to true church community.
He led the team with eight assists, and the danger he poses on free kicks is Pirlo-esque.
The foul made by Sissoko should be considered as reckless because Sissoko completely disregarded the danger he posed to Monreal while going for the ball in such a manner.
Here are 5 pillow types to avoid and the dangers they pose:
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and other organizations warn against using these products because of the dangers they pose to babies.
If this could happen to a toddler — who already has fairly well - developed motor functions — imagine the dangers it poses to babies.
But David Cameron's centrepiece reform was the introduction of free schools, yet in the last two weeks we have had two deeply concerning examples of the danger they pose if increased freedoms are not complemented by checks and balances as Labour proposes.
Obuah had on Sunday through a statement signed by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Mr. Jerry Needam, expressed shock at the «revelations on the subversive and undemocratic actions of Mr. Amaechi, considering the danger it poses to the nation's democracy.»
«Commercial interests that have been, according to the best available evidence, deceiving the American people, communicating in a fraudulent way, about the reality of the climate crisis and the dangers it poses
«They should work cooperatively with sports organizations to educate the larger public about the nature of their research and its laudable goals, as well as its potential abuses and the dangers it poses
But while it has faded from the headlines, governments and scientists are as concerned as ever about the dangers it poses.
Wind turbines are a notorious hazard for birds, but less well known is the danger they pose to bats.
The mission will help us better understand the extreme regions on our star — and the dangers they pose to Earth.
«Virtually all of us know about high blood pressure and the danger it poses to health, either because we suffer from it ourselves or know someone who does.
These oils, which contain trans fats, are now facing widespread boycotts as we learn more about the dangers they pose.
Although alcohol is not a food, we can't ignore the dangers it poses on human health.
Granted alcohol is not a food, but the dangers it poses on human health can not be ignored; specifically, the potentially hazardous inflammation responses induced by heavy consumption.
Many Halloween face paints have been recalled because of the potential dangers they pose to skin, resulting in a true need for natural alternatives.
When Quill discovers the true power of the orb and the danger it poses to the cosmos, he must rally his ragtag rivals for a last, desperate stand — with the galaxy's fate in the balance.
One that transitions from such a brilliantly funny setup into something honestly scary about controlling males (personified by a creepy Jason Sudeikis) and the danger they pose to people everywhere?
Eddy has always dreamed of California but finds herself pulled in by the welcoming community and drawn to Rhine, despite the danger he poses.
The illness, so claimed the first, was born of anger that once welled up inside him; and he was so conscious of the danger it posed to his well - being that he tried all he could to rid himself of it by belching after every meal, sometimes counting from one to ten, and other times chanting ka ke ki ko ku aloud.
They've been hooking up for years, despite the danger it poses to both of their positions on celebrity dance competition show «The Dance Off.»
Wrote an article that considers the growth of Indexed investing and the potential dangers it poses to market efficiency
Most people haven't heard about radon or the danger it poses because it does not show symptoms until years later.
With the invention of the Internet, most dog owners have become much more literate than twenty years ago, we all know about the external parasites, about the dangers they pose and how to get rid of the pesky bloodsuckers.
Distemper vaccinations are recommended because of how highly contagious the virus is and the danger it poses to dogs.
While we know for sure that these popular fruits can cause kidney failure in some dogs, we're still not 100 % sure of the danger they pose to cats.
If you aren't already aware, I highly recommend you take a moment to learn about Sago Palms and the (very serious) danger they pose to your pets.
On the one hand it's thematically consistent; Lovecraft's work often focused on the idea that the characters were powerless, mere specks of dust in a universe filled with colossal beings that barely even register the existence of humanity or even understand the danger they pose to it.
The size and danger they pose to you grows as you venture deeper into the game, and if you're not careful and keep an eye on your health, you can die in a matter of seconds, sending you back to the last autosave or campfire save point you triggered.
Frequent readers of Dot Earth will know that this particular earthquake threat, especially the danger it poses to hundreds of unreinforced schools, has been a longtime focus of mine.
Nevertheless, climate scientists realized a half century ago that human carbon emissions qualify as pollution due to the dangers they pose via climate change.
The Supreme Court ruling plus the Endangerment Finding mean that the EPA is legally obligated to regulate carbon in such a way as to meliorate the danger it poses to public health.
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