Sentences with phrase «dangers to cats»

The venerable Christmas tree, adorned with all its trimmings, poses its own set of dangers to cats, and the reverse is also true.
There are dangers to your cats.
Lest we think all aromatherapists dismiss the dangers to cats, another aromatherapist, Kristen Leigh Bell, warns about the dangers of using aromatherapy on cats.»
But as we prepare our homes for guests, it's important to be mindful of potential dangers to cats and dogs lurking in food, decorations and plants.
Staying outside full time presents many dangers to cats.
Even the Guinness record book no longer indexes fat cats because of the health dangers to cats by potential contenders.
Christmas trees pose many potential dangers to cats.
Well the campers came up with a pretty impressive list of dangers to cats that are outdoors so that is definitely not the answer.
There are so many dangers to a cat that is allowed out.
The most immediate dangers to your cat in the summer months are heat stroke and dehydration.
«Animal abuse is not only a danger to our cats, dogs, horses, and other animals, but also to people, said ALDF Executive Director Stephen Wells.
If there is a cat in the house do not bring any of these lilies plants inside or out, since the danger to your cat is too great.
I wasn't aware that yorkies could be a danger to cats.
As part of the charity International Cat Care's Keeping Cats Safe campaign, the danger to cats from benzalkonium chloride and other disinfectants is being highlighted throughout the month of July.
That same fertilizer will stick to the bottom of your shoes, and can present a danger to your cats.
Here we will discuss ways of reducing the risk of danger to cats allowed outdoors, but the most appropriate methods will depend on the individual cat, its lifestyle and its home situation — each situation is different with regards to what is best for the cat and its owners.
People can be quite a danger to your cat as well.
Unscreened windows pose a real danger to cats, who fall out of them so often that the veterinary profession has a name for the complaint - High - Rise Syndrome.
This is a particular danger to cats and kittens, who seem to find tinsel along with yarn, ribbon and string especially appealing to eat.
Raw eggs present the same dangers to your cat as to you: bacterial infections such as Salmonella and E-coli.
Unfortunately, unscreened windows pose a real danger to cats, who fall out of them so often that the veterinary profession has a name for the complaint — High - Rise Syndrome.
As part of the charity International Cat Care's Keeping Cats Safe campaign, the danger to cats from certain household foods is being highlighted.

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I wonder what «danger» a geriatric cat had to your child... perhaps your temper and cold - heartedness is the real danger in your family.
Babies are able to sense fear or danger right from the beginning, even if what they perceive as scary might just be Fluffy the cat jumping a little too close to their face for comfort.
Avoid the cat litter box due to the danger of contracting toxoplasmosis.
All it takes is a rise in pollen counts, a common cold, a chance encounter with a cat, a change in temperature, or a bout of exercise to send a patient into the danger zone.
An old Japanese story tells of a family of cat lovers who convinced the public that dogs were a danger to their society.
Their size is not just demeaning, but dangerous: day and night they face mortal dangers that bigger richer people don't ever have to think about, from being mauled by cats to their house getting stepped on.
I've seen it too many times — a dog or cat blindly bolting for cover because this unfamiliar situation into which it has been plunged seems to be filled with nothing but danger and fear.
While most skin disorders don't put your cat's life in danger, they are very irritating and can leave his body vulnerable to other health problems.
Cat owners should also make sure they keep their cats indoors to protect them from additional dangers such as cars, other animals and disease.
Large pupils help a scared or unsure cat take in as much information about the environment as possible to better identify threats and dangers.
Even if you have the most friendly dog or cat whose behavior you can attest to; any pet can be unpredictable when strangers attempt to enter a home; especially when you are not there to assure them there is no danger.
Given a chance, most indoor cats will heed the call of the wild only to discover that there is danger all around.
In Singapore, it is even more critical that you do not let your cat outdoors due to the various dangers and diseasese that can afflict them in our urban environment and from stray cats.
Pregnant women are often warned by the well - meaning and least informed about the dangers of scooping cat litter, dogs biting toddlers, bird diseases, and sundry reasons not to keep pets.
I think we learned the hard way and will now keep Biskit indoor as much as possible and only bring him outside on a leash, if it's not too late for him to get used to it... i still believe cats are happier when left outdoor but the dangers might be too high for their own good.
As for danger, of course there are dangers outdoors, but my cats manage to live life on the wild side even when they're in the house — trying to jump onto the hot woodstove, or the kitchen stove, or the top of the kitchen cabinets, or balance on the top edge of the doors... good grief, they're worse than the kids!
The cat learns to compensate somewhat for its disability and has a normal lifespan, providing the owner protects it from possible dangers caused by its inability to fully control its movements.
JoAnne Dear JoAnne, Unless your cat's thyroid level has gotten to a normal range since you last wrote, going so long without rechecking your kitty's bloodwork does put her in danger.
The cat does not awaken from the snooze but hears the sound, the cat's brain decides the noise is nether danger nor prey, so no need to spring into action.
It is not only the danger from larger animals that caused cats to develop the habit of light sleep.
Too many well - meaning pet owners expose their cats to needless danger and tragedy because of beliefs like these:
Scared cats tend to prefer small spaces; large spaces are overwhelming and could contain too many «dangers
No matter what the underlying cause, all respond favorably to medications that suppress the cat's immune system with all the dangers doing so entails.
However, it is possible that a collar may become caught on a fence, branch, or other object, which presents the danger of strangulation to a cat.
Although this breed is in danger of disappearing due to interbreeding with abandoned Persian cats in the region, there are a few devoted individuals in the Persian Gulf who are trying to preserve the unique cat.
While this is often harmless for us with kittens, adult cats that are not trained to not attack hands or feet can become a danger.
If your pet is in danger of injuring himself or running away (and potentially becoming lost or injured), please speak to your vet about prescribing medication suitable for your dog or cat.
They asked if the respondent thought pit bulls were a danger to people, or to cats or other dogs.
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