Sentences with phrase «dangers to children»

Preschools, daycare facilities and private schools are especially sensitive to the potential dangers to children and mitigating the possibility of injury is extremely important.
There can be exceptions in cases where proven child abuse or other dangers to children exist.
Other factors behind the increased use of background checks include well publicized incidents of workplace violence, multi-million dollar negligent hiring verdicts, a sharp rise in cases of resume fraud including some well publicized examples of fake degrees, and a national awareness of the dangers to children and other vulnerable groups when unqualified or dangerous persons are allowed access to them.
Children are treated differently than adult trespassers in that the law recognizes that property owners have an obligation to minimize potential dangers to children on their property.
While usually fun and harmless, toys can pose serious dangers to our children when they are defectively designed or manufactured.
Yet pets can also present certain dangers to children, who may not know enough to keep themselves safe.
There are many very real dangers to my children, but a lollipop or a marshmallow didn't make the list - they learned how to eat them slowly and enjoy them without mom's candy death patrol rants.
Lock up items that could be dangers to children, as well.
Having pets presents other, less obvious dangers to children.
DETROIT (AP)-- Hot cars are a danger to children, particularly in a sweltering summer like this one.
After decades of hearing messages from high church officials that lesbian and gay people were a threat to humanity and a danger to children, I had to rub my eyes a few times to make sure that I was reading this new, more positive language correctly.
Hence, in applying the case — by — case approach, the decision — maker will tend to systematically discount the danger to children.
Popular cereals (including Lucky Charms and Cheerios) contain «paint thinner» and pose a danger to children.
But one of the reasons we love these destinations is also the biggest danger to our children: THE SUN.
If you have a pet in the home, you may be overlooking a common hidden danger to your child's health and safety.
The child's current environment poses a physical or emotional danger to the child's development
This is a danger to children and can lead to expensive medical conditions as well.
So for women, if there is no danger to the child or nothing is inappropriate, let dads parent their kids.
The court may deny custody to a parent who has been accused of domestic violence if it determines that the parent poses a danger to the child or to the child's other parent, the victim.
The canine will pose danger to your child at some point even when your eyes are manning all corners.
This can pose a great danger to the children in the stroller.
While some parents feel like times have changed and allowing kids to play outdoors unattended is a bad idea, others feel like overparenting is the real danger to a child's development.
If you're staying with family over the holidays you'll want to make sure their homes don't pose any danger to your children.
Swimming rarely poses any danger to the child unless he or she swims in contaminated water.
You can also use gates to block off other areas of your house that might present a danger to your child.
Despite their gaining popularity in the parenting sector, amber teething necklaces pose a danger to your child in several ways.
Your car's interior can potentially pose many dangers to your child if it is not childproofed effectively.
A doctor's prescription is needed for the proper assessment on how much of the drug is considered beneficial to the breastfeeding mother, yet poses no danger to the child.
The court finds that the child's living environment poses a danger to the child's physical, mental, or emotional health and the child will benefit from a change in circumstances
And remember that your child will likely reach new physical milestones without your presence and any such change in what they can reach or do could pose new dangers to your child.
February 19 2003 KID released a new report today detailing the danger to children from recalled juvenile products.
If your child is lost or missing, call for help and check the areas that pose the highest danger to your child first, especially any bodies of water (pools, ponds, and lakes, etc.) and unlocked cars.
This week, new research supported what moms sick of parent shaming have long suspected: people often judge how dangerous a given parenting practice is based on their sense of how moral it is, not based on a reasoned assessment of actual danger to the child.
With children at home all doors and windows must have correct child safety locks to keep them safe from chemicals and places which can pose a danger to the child like the garage.
Leaving a small amount of space between the crib and the wall poses a danger to your child, as their arms or legs could become trapped.
Parents fear years of noise, dust, blasting and construction danger to the children.
«The board member who spoke such disgusting words presents a danger to the children at Buffalo Public Schools and I will keep saying that in the clearest, loudest voice possible until he is removed from this board,» said Rachel Dominquez, concerned parent.
«There is no potential offender who is presenting any danger to any child in central New York,» he said.
When schools are situated close to roads there is particular danger to children crossing them.
If a dog is truly a danger to a child, it needs to find an adult - only home or perhaps a home with older children.
If a dog is truly a danger to a child, he or she needs to find an adult - only home or perhaps a home with older children.
That is, people overestimate the actual danger to children who are left alone by their parents, in order to better support or justify their moral condemnation of parents who do so.»
Anyone who owns a pool, public or private, has a very important responsibility to make sure it is not a danger to children.
Sex offenders can represent a danger to children not only directly, but also indirectly, by operating through those with whom the children associate.
However, when one parent is a danger to their child, a court can intervene and revoke certain parental rights.
As she put it «whether it could be described as sharp or not, by no stretch of the imagination could it be said to constitute a danger to children».
In situations where one of the parents has sole physical custody, the other parent will ordinarily have parenting time, unless that parent poses a danger to the child.
In fact, sole custody is typically only granted when it can be shown that one parent represents a direct danger to a child's safety.
Lead poses the greatest danger to children and is often found in old paint or paint dust, which may be found in older housing, such as in homes or multiple dwellings built prior to 1978.
the property owner is aware that there is a hazard on his property that may present a danger to children;
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