Sentences with phrase «dankly addictive substance»

Slashing the addictive substance could cause about 5 million adult smokers to quit smoking in the first year of adoption, according to the FDA.
They can predict your religious and political views, whether your parents are separated, how happy you are and even whether you use addictive substances.
It's an addictive substance, once you take that first leap you get hooked on that feeling of «knowing» your right even when there is no proof to back up what you believe.
But I wasn't familiar with their crispy onions, which just so happen to be the most addictive substance known to man.
Legal addictive substances, yay!
Rozin also says that people who do not like chile do not reverse their preference as the negative taste of chile wears off (which is what happens with addictive substances such as alcohol and nicotine), and conversely, there is no evidence that the preference for chile wears off, even after long periods (weeks to years) of not eating it.
If you've had the Alchemist's silky - smooth Heady Topper or any IPA from Hill Farmstead, you'll like the dankly addictive Substance from Maine's Bissell Brothers, or maybe Trillium's Congress Street IPA.
You'll find the grain in Bissell Brothers» dankly smooth and deliciously addictive the Substance, Lagunitas» Equinox «pale oat ale,» and Bell's fantastically named Oatsmobile Ale, a fruity and tropical session beer ready for a test - drive this month.
They spent their time on videos, games, advertisements, and you know how easily kids go towards what is mediatized, how easily they get addict to the deliberately addictive substances the big agrobusiness trusts put in their «food».
If you need to wean in an emergency situation due to medication, medical treatment, or addictive substances in your body, all of these pose a threat to the health and wellbeing of your baby.
Nicotine is a highly addictive substance, and your teen may not even enjoy smoking; many smokers wish that they'd never started, but find it very difficult to give up and crack their reliance on this drug.
Unlike other addictive substances, Adderall is perceived as safe and advantageous by college students, which is probably the most dangerous aspect of its allure.
The first week signs of pregnancy should prompt you to get serious about your lifestyle and abstain from consuming addictive substances, as these might be harmful to you and your baby.
The nicotine (the addictive substance in cigarettes), carbon monoxide, and numerous other poisons you inhale from a cigarette are carried through your bloodstream and go directly to your baby.
Unlike most addictive substances, it's actually good for you!
Chemical dependency is identified by the loss of control over an addictive substance.
And there are fears that the ban on the drug will drive people towards more addictive substances.
Nicotine, the harmless but addictive substance in tobacco, is exempted.
The first call for alcohol, which was packaged along with a range of other changes to the law, came as a peculiar bookend to an agreement on how to deal with another addictive substance: heroin.
A new study finds that alcoholic mice more readily form Pavlovian associations with addictive substances.
Researchers believe that baclofen may increase the brain's levels of the neurotransmitter GABA (gamma - aminobutyric acid), involved in regulating the desire for addictive substances, by stimulating a subset of GABA receptors.
The TSRI researchers confirmed the drug's powerful stimulant effects in rats and found evidence that it could be more addictive than methamphetamine, one of the most addictive substances to date.
Every addiction is characterized by a strong desire for a certain addictive substance, be it nicotine, alcohol or other drug.
Reinforcement of addictive substance use and stress signaling involves common neural systems, including the brain reward center.
The release of dopamine in the brain is triggered by addictive substances and behaviors, so compounds that mimic dopamine could be useful in possible treatments.
Rather, they suggest, it may be that people who suffer from PD manifest a certain personality early in life that leads them to avoid using unhealthy or addictive substances such as tobacco, alcohol and coffee.
At that time, some researchers suggested that rather than caffeine protecting against the disease, it might be that Parkinson's patients have a tendency to avoid addictive substances.
Some cravings for food and addictive substances depend on those receptors.
Rats that have access to addictive substances such as cocaine, however, will continually press a lever to get more of the drug, even when it has been replaced by saline.
Crucially, their use is most common among young people with other forms of hazardous behaviour, such as binge drinking, suggesting that they are simply being added to the portfolio of dangerous or addictive substances that these often vulnerable young people are using.
«Nicotine, the addictive substance in tobacco smoke, has until now been considered to be non-toxic in the strictest sense of the term,» says Kamlesh Asotra of the University of California's Tobacco - Related Disease Research Program, which funded this study.
While the subjective effects of nicotine and cocaine are very different in humans, the overlapping effects of the two drugs on the reward system of the brain may explain why both are highly addictive substances, the researchers said.
We will work with you to develop an individualized treatment plan that will help you progress on the path to recovery by supporting you as you reclaim your independence from addictive substances, learn to manage the stress of an active life without returning to drug and alcohol dependence, and attain personal, career and recovery goals.
On one hand, sugar stimulates serotonin production, which is the reason why chocolate cake makes us happy (and also the reason why some people refer to sugar as an addictive substance), but on the other, it also raises your blood levels of insulin and interrupts the work of sleep hormones such as melatonin.
«Chocolate stimulates the reward centre of the brain, similar to other addictive substances, making us want it again and again,» she says.
Caffeine has gotten some bad reputation over the years for allegedly being a harmful and addictive substance.
Common addictive substances include sugar, caffeine, alcohol, work, nicotine, sex and drugs amongst others.
He and his colleagues have shown a similarity between how people's brains respond to food and how they react to addictive substances such as cocaine and alcohol.
I'll give you a hint - it is an addictive substance that is linked to various types of disease and is especially harmful to children who are exposed.
Did you know that sugar — next to caffeine — is one of the most addictive substances in our food supply?
By treating you as a whole person, nourishing your body with whole foods, removing toxins and addictive substances, even managing stress — we are taking care of the underlying causes of weight - gain, fatigue and even disease — disease is basically dis - ease in the body.
It is suggested that a sponsor be abstinent from addictive substances for some time and be willing to carry the message of recovery from food addiction.
Packaged soy milk is likely to contain two highly addictive substances: sugar and MSG.
This activation of your reward system is not unlike how bodies process addictive substances such as alcohol or nicotine — an overload of sugar spikes dopamine levels and leaves you craving more.
In most people caffeine is an addictive substance to some degree, although some would describe it as highly addictive.
* Liver detox program is not intended to be used for detoxing from addictive substances such as alcohol or drugs.
I think that it's like any potentially - addictive substance: if you can't keep it irregular, best to abstain.
Sugar abuse is one of the primary causes of obesity and our love affair with this cheap, addictive substance has resulted in record levels of diabetes and overweight people.
First, eliminating food allergies and un-junking the diet causes reactions similar to withdrawal from other addictive substances like caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, cocaine or heroin.
Manufactured to the highest possible specifications, the Brain Recovery A.M. & P.M. nutritional system helps restore mood and brain function and helps reduce cravings for addictive substances by balancing your brain chemistry naturally *.
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