Sentences with word «danmaku»

The most us mere mortals can usually hope for is tackling a level with some small grace, which makes efforts such as this video, of someone perfecting Ikaruga (Radiant Silvergun's spiritual successor) while controlling both ships himself, the ultimate expression of danmaku.
I also enjoy danmaku shooters (Shoot the Bullet, Mushihime - sama Futari, and Twinkle Star Sprites are some notable favs), and other such quirky Japanese games.
A state of Zen, or calm action, is something the intense concentration required to navigate danmaku often evokes.
Terra Feminarum, released on Kalevala day, may not be as important in the cultural scale but it's an uncanny marriage between Kalevala mythology and Japanese danmaku shoot»em up (bullet hell shooter).
The mainline Touhou games are mostly danmaku, or bullet hell games, similar to Ikaruga, Deathsmiles, or the boss battles in Undertale.
In the beginning, it's really easy, but as you progress, the game almost starts to go into danmaku / bullet hell territory.
Some went the route of making STG games more flashy and outrageous, filling the screen with intricate danmaku patterns that were fun to dodge, or having awesome bombs and explosions, or an interesting backstory and gameworld.
Fast paced space shooter with flashy visuals and light danmaku element, redefining classic twin - stick shooter on mobile devices.
After all, it's easy to look back with glasses tinted by the rosy afterglow of a frame - rate hobbling explosion, but danmaku deserves more.
«They may be the granddaddy of all videogame genres,» Primo says, but as their mass appeal and sales waned in the early 2000s most danmaku releases became downloadable ports for Xbox Live Arcade or Steam.
While certain seminal franchises of Japanese origin such as Street Fighter or Final Fantasy continue to grow their Western popularity and adapt to new styles of play, the side - scrolling shooter genre danmaku -LRB-??
Indeed, past danmaku and most Western shmups have featured two - player modes but in no meaningful, interdependent way.
The in - development Zenzizenzic blends twin - stick action with the abstract style of Geometry Wars and the dance & riposte elegance of danmaku.
PC Shooter, Bullet Hell, Terra Feminarum, Polar Night Games, PC donwload, danmaku shooter, manga, mythology
This outstanding example of the high speed «'' danmaku»» bullet hell genre is back as the second installment in the M2 ShotTriggers lineup, just as it approaches its 20th anniversary!
The world of Touhou has been synonymous with «danmaku» («bullet curtain») titles for Japanese players on PC for many years, so naturally Bullet Ballet — as the title would suggest — is all about screens filled with brightly - colored gunfire.
My favourite genres are JRPG, 2D action - platformer, and danmaku.
PC Shooter, Bullet Hell, Terra Feminarum, Polar Night Games, PC donwload, danmaku shooter, manga, mythology
The second bullet - hell, (or «danmaku») game released by SNK Playmore recently, Ultimate Shooting sets a lofty perception of itself with that name.
Now, western developers like Primo and Koorevaar, along with the even more accessible hybrids such as Resogun and Enter The Gungeon, are starting down a new path, while retaining the purity of expression of the danmaku of their youth.
Like a musical genre that continues to mutate and adapt, resurfacing time and again, danmaku has proven uniquely resilient.
And while there's probably players who can deftly navigate the danmaku - style barrages of bullets, Senko no Ronde is really about ability management.
Despite initially deciding on a danmaku game due to «sheer pragmatism,» Primo quickly realized that despite a «limited set of player affordances» an authentic game in the genre would need to be rigorously technical.
Indeed, danmaku is decidedly hardcore, and rarely deviates from settings full of either spaceships, giant robots, or school - girls with occult superpowers.
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