Sentences with phrase «dark age»

Imagine, that we would still live in the dark age.
This time is called the dark age.
Thank God, the dark age is over, but maybe a new dark age approaches (not ruled by the pope, but by the Beast).
They are the echo of an ancient history, the remnant of a dark age, an age we tell ourselves we would rather forget.
There was a time when the Western Church was the one light in a very Dark Age.
Our advanced technology moves us to the brink of a new Dark Age.
On a more serious level of ethical reflection, John Lukacs» The End of the Twentieth Century (1993) anticipated a new dark age of clashing ethnic nationalisms.
But to be clear, I disagree with the content of the declaration and with a bunch of religious idiots trying to impose their silly dark age's beliefs on the American population.
-- heading into a new dark age of the church?
Isn't the Catholic Church getting away with discrimination by treating its non-Catholic employees like they have to live by the church's (Dark Age) teachings.
They waited to claim a new word from God and sold more products, whether books or emergency preparation kits for the Y2K global shutdown and the resulting dark age the Bible clearly told us would happen.
We atheists need to do all we can to help Christians escape their Dark Age superst.itions.
Scholars said this could be an important contribution to understanding the ninth century B.C., a dark age in biblical history, and also is strong independent evidence for the existence and influence of the House of David.
They all held us into the dark age.
And that is why we have now a Department of Homeland Security to keep American Muslims and the other 1.5 billion global and «conned» / dark age Muslims in check.
It made sense for humans in the dark age... and believe it or not... it is still used to control large groups of people.
Falling backward into a dark age of oppression and suppression will.
Keep your dark age delusional crap to yourselves.
Europe was never quite the dark age of ignorance that the «enlightened» philosophers pretended.
She has shed plenty of innocent blood during the dark age, and still commits ineffable spiritual crimes.
It is one of my more ascerbic reflections these days that we may be entering into a new dark age.
We'd have flying cars, clones, and AI by now if it weren't for the Dark Age (s.)
Why do we call the Middle Ages dark age sometimes?
They may become once again islands of humanities and grace and style and learning in a new dark age that is characterized not by ignorance but by paralyzing and unassimilated information.
Faith, sin, heaven, hell, God and grace» these are throwback ideas to a dark age of supernatural mumbo jumbo and witch burnings, doomed to the dustbin of history.
Catholic monks and Dark Age theologians also did their share of hallu - cinating: «TUBUAS - A member of the group of angels who were removed from the ranks of officially recognized celestial hierarchy in 745 by a council in Rome under Pope Zachary.
The muslims are not allowed their dark age fundamentalist lifestyle in the countries they migrate too and they threaten terrorism.
Behind the Middle Ages lies the Dark Age, when Europe slowly struggled out of the mess into which it had been plunged by the decline of Rome and the incursions of the barbarians.
It is high time to overcome ultimately the dark age: Let us abolish papacy and the Islam and welcome true Christianity.
The Muslims still accept a book, which was drafted by a false prophet, called Muhammad, in the beginning of the dark age (around 600 a. D.).
Ask any secular historian, and he will confirm that during the dark age the pope was the most powerful man of the world in the West (the East was ruled by the Islam).
On the one hand I am glad that the wh - ore declines, which has slayed plenty of true Christians., but one the other hand I am aware that we are about to enter a very dark age, darker than the Middle Ages.
By the way by no means does this mean that I am particularly against Islam, I am also against Judaism, Christianity, and any unproven dark age manifestation of a all knowing, creator, If there was a god he sure does «nt need help enforcing his edicts and morals, remember that if there is a god then as many religions state, people will be judged upon there beliefs and sins after death and spend eternity in heaven or hell, so why is it so important for people to butt in and start trying to control each other and force people to believe in something that many think is absurd and insane.
There emerge, however, from the «periphery» (so to speak) rather than from the center, pockets of order, meaning, and value which grow, spread, and die — that order, those values, and those meanings which gradually grew and spread until they constituted the various Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt would be an example of how order, value, and meaning emerge from the «bottom» and spread «upward» and «outwards» into dynamic pockets or aggregates of order, meaning, and value which prosper - overcoming and absorbing other pockets of order — until they no longer embody the imagination, vigor, and zest required for continued vitality and find themselves absorbed into other competing orders or gradually disintegrating into the silence of a Dark Age.
The ultra-simple view of divine creation was the Dark Age to Reformation non-evolutionary one: God, the absolute power, does it all, we are God's deeds — puppets, only apparent doers.
We are not talking only about things that happened in some distant dark age; we are talking about the memories of our neighbors.
In the U.S.A. the Episcopalians, also the Quakers and Unitarians, were similarly free from Dark Age or Medieval beliefs.
If you let your children expand their world view through diverse cultural learning and taught respect for all peoples belief's and religions we might actually see hope for the planet, but you are far to short sighted for that and will likely use your indoctrinated offspring to usher in a new religious dark age.
Remember the Dark Age's religions rule in that dark, distant past didn't serve our ancestors well it certainly won't serve us any better today!
I would be a humble pioneer of this Renaissance, and throw the belief in a new humanity like a torch into our dark age [Civilization and Ethics, p. xxiii].
To have no god but the God of Christ, after all, means today that we must endure the lenten privations of what is most certainly a dark age, and strive to resist the bland solace, inane charms, brute viciousness, and dazed passivity of post-Christian culture — all of which are so tempting precisely because they enjoin us to believe in and adore ourselves.
If BO wins this election it means, God has abandoned USA... say hello to dark age the next 4 years, this is just the start, you ain't see nothing yet..
«And a Church,» he writes, «that taught one part of mankind to walk upright and unafraid through one Dark Age may yet summon up the power that will enable us to avert another Dark Age, or to face it, if it begins to descend upon us, with unyielding courage.»
He added: «I don't think it's unreasonable to say that people who come and live in our country should reject those dark age ideologies which some of them bring with them.»
Will they, or will we, be engulfed by a new Dark Age?
Nowadays, though no one doubts that the dramatic detail of the Flight of Helen, the Wrath of Achilles, and the rest, is imaginary, the poems are treated as valuable sources of evidence for the history of Greece and neighbouring lands shortly before 1000 BC Even our own Arthurian legends, I observe, are now treated seriously by quite serious historians, when they are seeking for light upon the dark age of Britain.
I am also happy to inform you that Biblical Christianity condones NONE of the things you listed as representing «dark age mentality».
Please define «dark age mentality», for I am interested in hearing your view of it.
If his job was to maintain the dark age teachings of Catholicism and hide the pedophile priests, he was perfect!
Time for Muslims to incluce Muneef to break these dark age, koranic - driven shackles and join the modern world!!!
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