Sentences with phrase «dark crater»

Choose between a challenging 10 - hour slog up Volcan Concepción on Isla de Ometepe, howler monkeys echoing through the lush forest on Volcan Mombacho, gazing down at the eerily dark crater lake of Volcan Cosigüina or watching the smoke and ash spluttering from Volcan Masaya.
From there they could control a fleet of robotic explorers and investigate the composition of ancient ice deposits in the forever - dark craters of the Aitken basin.
A long standing mystery is whether dark craters such as Cabeus could act as cold traps, capturing water molecules that are liberated when comets strike the moon.
Astronomers used the example of Mars» ice caps to analyze the radar reflections seen on Mercury and propose that those, too, were caused by ice trapped in eternally - dark craters on that otherwise hot world.

Not exact matches

Scientists are interested in dune fields isolated within large impact craters because their dark color suggests that the dust covering much of the rest of the planet does not accumulate there.
Two years ago, astronomers Lisa Randall and Matthew Reece of Harvard University fingered dark matter for a 35 million - year cycle — which they later revised to 32 million years — based on the birth dates of large craters from comet crashes.
Their dark matter model revealed that a 32 million - year cycle was three times as likely as random cratering.
A steep lava dome (dark area just left of center) is swelling rapidly inside the crater of Mount St. Helens, next to an older dome that emerged after the volcano erupted in 1980.
Next to the light - coloured Sputnik Planum lies the dark, cratered, ancient - looking Cthulhu region.
When meteoroids struck the farside of the moon, in most cases the crust was too thick and no magmatic basalt welled up, creating the dark side of the moon with valleys, craters and highlands, but almost no maria.
Although Mercury's daytime temperatures exceed 800 degrees Fahrenheit, radar studies indicate that the planet has vast deposits of ice within the perpetually dark, frigid craters at its poles.
«There were a lot of craters, some shiny areas, some darker areas, loose surface material falling into craters — many more features than I would have guessed.»
SAN FRANCISCO — Bumping off the rim of a crater probably saved the robotic comet lander Philae from a cold, dark death, according to data presented December 18 at the fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union.
But not all craters of similar depth show the material, suggesting the dark deposits are not evenly distributed beneath the planet's surface.
The face we see has fewer large craters and far greater areas of smooth, dark, frozen lava.
Then again, recent observations from orbiters have revealed mysterious dark streaks that seasonally flow down the sunlit sides of some Martian hillsides and craters.
The flybys produced superb images of the surfaces of Jupiter's large Galilean satellites, revealing sulphurous volcanoes on Io, ice chasms on Europa, huge ringed impact craters on Callisto, and polygonal dark regions on Ganymede.
MRO's new images support this interpretation and strongly suggest that the sizable dark patch is a crater produced when Schiaparelli struck the surface at greater than 300 kilometers per hour after a two - to - four - kilometer free fall.
The only places in which water molecules could remain is in the shade of craters and perpetually dark areas of the moon, where temperatures stay at a chilling minus 280 Fahrenheit.
Overall, though, analysis suggested that the dark matter idea would be more likely to produce the observed patterns in crater frequency than an even rate of cratering.
For instance, there are several dark features in the southern hemisphere that might be craters within a region that is darker overall,» said Carol Raymond, deputy principal investigator of the Dawn mission at JPL.
A century later, spacecraft images revealed that the moons look like asteroids — dark, crater - pocked, and potato - shaped — suggesting Mars had snatched them from the nearby asteroid belt.
Dark flows streak down hills and craters on Mars each summer, before fading away in the colder months.
The energy of impacts that create such craters can be high enough to melt rock; these melts cool rapidly, forming impact glass — a smooth, dark rock, similar to its volcanic cousin, obsidian — which contains various microscopic structures and crystals.
Mysterious dark lines that appear on the slopes of Martian dunes and craters each warm season may be dry landslides instead of flowing water as previously thought.
MYSTERIOUS dark flows streak down hills and craters on Mars each summer, before fading away in the colder months.
At lower right, ancient, heavily cratered terrain is coated with dark, reddish tholins.
This Mars Global Surveyor image shows a martian crater that has been encroached by a field of dark, wind - blown sand dunes in the Syrtis Major volcanic region of the red planet.
The dark streaks with bright margins emanating from craters in the Oxie Palus region, upper left of image, are caused by erosion and / or deposition by the wind.
From there, the flyby footage passes over Sputnik's western border with Cthulhu Macula, which is a dark, craters region located within the nearby highlands.
Many small, dark, circular impact craters can be seen.
Also evident is a dark scar on the rim of a crater to the northeast of the lander; this dark marking was not present prior to landing, and is believed to have been caused by the impact of Spirit's heatshield.
In contrast, the smaller dark spots (which can appear as gray, brown, or red) may be the remains of low - speed, carbon - rich asteroids that splattered such» deposits» onto Vesta's surface, or they may be the result of higher - speed asteroid that melted and darkened volcanic basaltic crust on crater walls and floors, or on surrounding hills and ridges (NASA DAWN news release).
Gale crater, where the Curiosity rover landed in 2012, features extensive dune fields around the base of Mount Sharp, and the rover is now approaching some of them for the first time; their dark color makes them stand out starkly against the surrounding terrain.
Visible on the small moon's unusually dark surface are many circular craters, long chains of craters, and strange streaks.
Ajax and his henchperson Angel Dust (MMA champ Gina Carano) use their weird science to ruin Wade's skin - the poor guy's crater - riven face looks like a combination of the dark side of the moon and a sausage pizza.
The lava in Pacaya volcano's crater glows in the dark.
Since last week, Mount Agung volcano has been showing signs of possible eruption, spewing clouds of dark gray ash and with lava seen welling up in its crater.
Starting in the dark of the early morning, you will ascend to the highest peak and crater for a glorious sunrise and stunning morning views.
Stothers, R.B., 1998: Galactic disc dark matter, terrestrial impact cratering and the law of large numbers.
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