Sentences with phrase «dark experience»

But it is a frightening and dark experience with 3D audio.
Let us feel proud that we are now facing the difficult and dark experiences from our past in order to move forward.
It is in the third act that the film loses much of its good will, becoming a far darker experience full of absent - minded brutality.
But I do not share the same dark experience as you have.
Welcome to the Night Cafe, an after dark experience in the mysterious, sensational and sensual world of burlesque and cabaret.
The venues located in and around this popular Phuket west coast resort town can deliver a great after - dark experience for those who like to have fun and go to sleep late.
Doubtlessly many readers can recall, as I do, dark experiences which we would not have chosen, but from which God has taught us much.
Hiking and roasting marshmallows are just two of the activities families can do at Family Twilight Adventures (7 - 9 p.m. June 2 and 24), after - dark experiences designed for those with kiddos under 10.
I thought, if I could go through something so dark and get out into the world again, I wanted other women to know they could too, whatever dark experience they may have faced.
The real Perfect Dark experience comes through in couch co-op, where you and a pack of friends can drop into predesigned multiplayer levels or throw together your own, concocting a veritable buffet of weaponry to test out on those you care for most.
The Dark Night is a long, pervasive, and very dark experience.
To save the world, Celeste must draw on her own dark experiences with addiction to help Azrael overcome the one temptation that could possibly make him an eternal prisoner — his obsession with her.
There is no doubt that both Limbo and the later release of Inside are some of the most unusual, dark experiences on Xbox One.
Underneath the games cutesy art style however, lies a much darker experience that deals with mental illness, depression, the stagnancy of the middle and lower classes, and the slow death of the small town America.
The gloomy aesthetic and depressing undertones make Condemned a rather dark experience, but forcing the player into not trusting the game adds to another layer of fear.
A couple years later, they revealed their new project: a decidedly darker experience titled What Remains of Edith Finch.
Also influenced by art history, living in a waterside Long Island town and art history, Bruno's art combine dark experiences, anonymity and anguish with hope, liberation and redemption in unsettling and compelling compositions.
And it will also benefit Australian society as a whole by building a bridge for a reconciled Australia, where we can all feel proud that our national story and aspirations are shared, and that we are prepared to face difficult and dark experiences from our past.
It's also helped me find peace in, and even gratitude for, the dark experiences that brought me to a new level of potential.
Surely that whatever experience may be ours, it is not to be regarded as in itself more terrible than Christ's Passion; it is not suggested that the dark experiences may not be quite different one from another.
It's a dark experience that can push us towards the light as we strive for insight and understanding.
PlayStation World Magazine (October 2001) Another triple - A title has arrived, and it's one of the darkest experiences you'll ever have with your black box.
The first Dialogue in the Dark experience opened in Germany in 1989, founded by the previous year by Andreas Heinecke, who had been asked to develop work training for a young journalist who had lost his eyesight.
PlayStation World Magazine (October 2001) Another triple - A title has arrived, and it's one of the darkest experiences you'll ever have with your black box.
Coupled with a disturbing sound design, Observer is a tense, suffocating, and dark experience.
Don't worry, it's not just a bunch of horror games I want adapted into VR, though those dark experiences do make up their fair share of the list.
Everything that is special about the art of Douglas Gordon lies in this image — the gothic interest in dark experience, the desire to provoke, and above all the deep and unpretentious preoccupation with the nature of time.
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