Sentences with phrase «darkening of the skin»

Most of the time, there occurs darkening of the skin in vagina which can be taken as one of the earliest signs of pregnancy.
It can occur in men and women of all age groups; symptoms include severe weight loss, muscle weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure, and sometimes darkening of the skin.
Prolonged exposure to UVA rays can increase melanin production, creating hyperpigmentation (or uneven darkening of the skin) and age spots.
If you're anything like me, you greatly appreciate that gradual darkening of skin that starts to happen sometime around March and April.
Most survey respondents who admitted to photo retouching did only slight tweaks, such as blemish removal (44 percent of women and 28 percent of men), teeth whitening (18 percent women, 16 percent men), or lightening and darkening of skin tone (28 percent women, 20 % men).
A senior dogs is prone to develop general darkening of the skin during the latter years of life.
Progressive darkening of the skin may also occur as a result of skin cancer, Cancerous cells which increase in number are associated with a change in skin pigment.
Frequent sunburns or hours spent tanning can result in a permanent darkening of the skin, dark spots and a leathery texture.
Hair loss combined with darkening of the skin can be caused by Cushing's disease, hypothyroidism and some chronic skin infections.
Most thiests (christian) would say sin caused the darkening of the skin.
And some will notice a dark line on the midline of the lower abdomen, known as the linea nigra (or linea negra), as well as hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) of the nipples, external genitalia, and anal region.
«It would provide a darkening of the skin, providing protection, as with a tan,» he said.
You may experience redness, itchiness, dryness, or darkening of the skin.
Ironically, in certain skin types the opposite — ochronosis, or darkening of the skin — can occur.
Vitamin B12 helps to regulate your skin's pigment production and location, preventing hyperpigmentation — the darkening of skin in certain parts of your body.
Symmetrical loss of hair; hair pulls out easily; darkening of the skin; enlarged nipples and vulva; may rarely see seborrhea and itching
If left untreated, chronic skin conditions including lesions, darkening of the skin, patchy hair loss, and thickening and wrinkling of the skin can develop.
Loss of hair, darkening of skin — more common in certain breeds (curly coated breeds such as Poodles, Old English Sheepdogs).
In chronic some skin areas will suffer from hyperpigmentation (darkening of the skin) and thickening (lichenification).
Hyper — pigmentation, darkening of the skin, waxy discharges from the ear and severe illness will almost always accompany pruritus.
Dogs with hyperthyroidism may suffer from weight gain despite reduced food intake, obesity, lethargy, thickening and darkening of the skin, and thinning of the coat and alopecia.
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