Sentences with phrase «darker emotional tone»

Nick Frost, on whether there's a relationship between the fact that there was general agreement that making «The World's End» was the most fun film «Three Flavors» film to make «in terms of having a laugh» and the substantially darker emotional tone.
It seized my attention from the first sentence, «When I found out the girl I was going to marry was murdered...» in a paragraph that continued on, setting a dark emotional tone of futility and despair as well as conveying an ambiguity about the relationship between the girl and the narrator.

Not exact matches

While the tone does gradually shade a bit darker, DuVall never abandons humor entirely, save for a couple of climactic speeches (notably Smulder's) that are admirable for their concision and emotional directness.
The soundtrack is comprised of original tunes that really serve to capture the essence of Minecraft and complement the action unfolding on the screen perfectly, effectively striking the appropriate emotional response from the player on a consistent basis as the story becomes darker in tone after the light - hearted opening sequences.
Tone is well balanced too as the picture's three chapters navigate zany comedy with dark emotional beats and back again mostly without strain.
Sheen's powerful narration captures the emotional tone and raw excitement in this long - awaited prequel to Pullman's His Dark Materials, as danger stalks the baby Lyra.
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