Sentences with phrase «data collection efforts as»

All schools, regardless of group assignment, will be asked to take part in data collection efforts as part of the Design2Learn study.

Not exact matches

As government and corporate data - gathering efforts swelled over the last century, citizens largely accepted, without much discussion or protest, that their society would be fueled by the collection of personal information.
Information collected at the facility is part of a wider Caribbean data collection effort known as COCONet, and is used as input to produce more accurate weather forecasts.
This directive lays out the principles that govern the collection of signals intelligence, sets limitations on the use of data collected in bulk as well as creates a process for annually reviewing intelligence - gathering efforts and safeguards for that info.
As long as research data is obtained through hypotheses posed in testable terms and nested in a body of established theory; as long as the data collection and analytical methods permit direct investigation of the question; and as long as the study results are open to replication and professional scrutiny, we will have a professional body of research on which to base reform effortAs long as research data is obtained through hypotheses posed in testable terms and nested in a body of established theory; as long as the data collection and analytical methods permit direct investigation of the question; and as long as the study results are open to replication and professional scrutiny, we will have a professional body of research on which to base reform effortas research data is obtained through hypotheses posed in testable terms and nested in a body of established theory; as long as the data collection and analytical methods permit direct investigation of the question; and as long as the study results are open to replication and professional scrutiny, we will have a professional body of research on which to base reform effortas long as the data collection and analytical methods permit direct investigation of the question; and as long as the study results are open to replication and professional scrutiny, we will have a professional body of research on which to base reform effortas the data collection and analytical methods permit direct investigation of the question; and as long as the study results are open to replication and professional scrutiny, we will have a professional body of research on which to base reform effortas long as the study results are open to replication and professional scrutiny, we will have a professional body of research on which to base reform effortas the study results are open to replication and professional scrutiny, we will have a professional body of research on which to base reform efforts.
While the federal data collection efforts include some verification and data cleaning, the data is generally only as accurate as states» record - keeping and reporting allows.
Efforts are based on best practices and Umoja Community established philosophy and approach, as well as applying data collection and analysis to all instructional design projects.
State education chiefs are «scrambling staff duties and outsourcing tasks such as data collection and school improvement efforts as they prepare for new responsibilities under» ESSA, reports Education Week's Daarel Burnette II.
It will discuss absenteeism including health - related absences as a barrier to learning, share information and examples on data collection and use in identifying and tracking students with chronic conditions and demonstrating reduced absences through efforts that improve student health, and offer guidance to begin work in this area.
She also leads special education data collection and analysis efforts to help strengthen the position of charter schools as well as identify and replicate successful special education models for improving academic outcomes of students with special needs in charter schools throughout the state.
In this role, he leads data collection and research efforts, as well as initiatives to increase the fidelity of implementation of the CIS Model and interventions implemented as part of the CIS Model.
In addition, as part of our 2025 Save Them All initiative that started last year, we launched an enormous data collection effort to examine the country's shelter numbers county by county.
That understanding will be advanced by new and more extensive data collection efforts, improvements to methods used to synthesise that data, and more extensive and collaborative use of climate model simulations over this period — both to understand the forcing / response of the climate, but also to serve as testbed for the various reconstruction methodologies.
The fact sheet further lists ongoing efforts in capacity building, technical assistance and financial support for a number of enabling activities, such as improving data collection systems, institutional reforms and national monitoring systems.
The real issue is that the effort to produce «suitable data» left the «experiment compromised, dropping data is not at all «arbitrary» and it is that in an irregularly periodic process that is Natural Climate Oscillation there is NOT any «bad points» unless the COLLECTION METHOD can be shown flawed as a minimum «initial problem».
«Empowering» because of numerous examples of how children (and adults) all over the world can assist in data collection as well as the effort to achieve climate stabilization.
Strengthen their commitment to the free and unrestricted exchange of meteorological and related data and products; Increase the volume of data and products exchanged to meet the needs of WMO Programs; Assist other Members, to the extent possible, and as agreed, by providing additional data and products in support of time - sensitive operations regarding severe weather warnings; Strengthen their commitments to the WMO and ICSU WDCs in their collection and supply of meteorological and related data and products on a free and unrestricted basis; Implement the practice on the international exchange of meteorological and related data and products, as described in Adopts (1) to (3) above; Make known to all Members, through the WMO Secretariat, those meteorological and related data and products which have conditions related to their re-export for commercial purposes outside of the receiving country or group of countries forming a single economic group; Make their best efforts to ensure that the conditions which have been applied by the originator of additional data and products are made known to initial and subsequent recipients; *» Free and unrestricted» means non-discriminatory and without charge.
Early Loss Mitigation Supervisor (9/2008 — 4/2010) • Managed unit of approximately 8 to 15 collectors while ensuring the achievement of unit objectives and related standards • Compiled and analyzed statistical data relative to unit productivity, monitoring live calls while providing feedback to staff • Provide advice and question resolution concerning collection activities, reviewing the status of severely delinquent accounts and handling all loss mitigation efforts • Advised staff of any changes in policy and procedures, allocated critical resources, and developed work schedules • Train current and new staff members as well as conduct performance reviews, making recommendations as needed regarding corrective actions and suggested dismissals • Assist departmental manager with training course scheduling for entire department • Create and distribute various reports to staff and peers on a regular and ad - hoc basis • Traveled to Chatsworth, CA as supervisor, developing observations and recommendations which led to facility improvements • Acted as representative to the Washington Mutual conversion to early loss mitigation in Albion, NY, sharing best practices from Chase
Screening of consecutive cases was conducted for two to six months at each participating treatment agency, with the time frame being dependent on the agency's view as to how long they could sustain the extra effort involved in this data collection task.
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