Sentences with phrase «data collection efforts by»

We believe that the increase seen in the graph until about 1995 is explained partly by better reporting of disasters in general, partly due to active data collection efforts by CRED and partly due to real increases in certain types of disasters.
Washington — Statement of AFT President Randi Weingarten on the growing privacy and security concerns regarding inBloom's database and other data collection efforts by parents, teachers and others.
A recent data collection effort by the State of Oregon includes the planned site of birth, and the death rates are even higher.

Not exact matches

As government and corporate data - gathering efforts swelled over the last century, citizens largely accepted, without much discussion or protest, that their society would be fueled by the collection of personal information.
The data, tools, and sample collections from these efforts lay some of the groundwork for future studies that will be supported through the NEXT SMA Biomarker program announced by the National Institutes of Health.
The first phase of the project (the phase covered by this grant) proposes a large - scale data collection effort in a handful of urban centers and will focus on two goals.
That's why in recent years, GreatSchools has expanded data collection efforts in every state to include various types of school quality data broken down by student groups, including students from low - income families, diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds, and students with disabilities.
The study found that students who attended schools led by New Leaders principals experienced slightly larger achievement gains on average than did similar students in schools led by non-New Leaders principals.131 While these results are promising, more research and data collection on both new and existing programs is needed to inform policy efforts to improve principal preparation.
In addition, as part of our 2025 Save Them All initiative that started last year, we launched an enormous data collection effort to examine the country's shelter numbers county by county.
Some of the earliest data collection efforts were conducted by the American Humane Association which collected national shelter reporting statistics for 1985 - 1988 and 1990 (Nasser, Talboy & Moulton, 1992)
That understanding will be advanced by new and more extensive data collection efforts, improvements to methods used to synthesise that data, and more extensive and collaborative use of climate model simulations over this period — both to understand the forcing / response of the climate, but also to serve as testbed for the various reconstruction methodologies.
Requires the Climate Service Program to: (1) analyze the effects of weather and climate on communities; (2) carry out observations, data collection, and monitoring of atmospheric and oceanic conditions; (3) provide information and technical support to governmental efforts to assess and respond to climate variability and change; (4) develop systems for the management and dissemination of data; (5) conduct research to improve forecasting and understanding of weather and climate variability and change and its effects on communities; and (6) develop tools to facilitate the use of climate information by local and regional stakeholders.
Strengthen their commitment to the free and unrestricted exchange of meteorological and related data and products; Increase the volume of data and products exchanged to meet the needs of WMO Programs; Assist other Members, to the extent possible, and as agreed, by providing additional data and products in support of time - sensitive operations regarding severe weather warnings; Strengthen their commitments to the WMO and ICSU WDCs in their collection and supply of meteorological and related data and products on a free and unrestricted basis; Implement the practice on the international exchange of meteorological and related data and products, as described in Adopts (1) to (3) above; Make known to all Members, through the WMO Secretariat, those meteorological and related data and products which have conditions related to their re-export for commercial purposes outside of the receiving country or group of countries forming a single economic group; Make their best efforts to ensure that the conditions which have been applied by the originator of additional data and products are made known to initial and subsequent recipients; *» Free and unrestricted» means non-discriminatory and without charge.
• Pioneered in implementing computerized, user friendly client interfaces for data collection that decreased manual effort put in data entry by 50 %.
Female contraceptive client: A woman who made at least one initial or subsequent visit for contraceptive care during the 12 - month reporting period covered by this data collection effort.
Placement Preferences Among Children Living in Foster or Kinship Care: A Cluster Analysis Merritt Children and Youth Services Review, 30 (5), 2008 View Abstract Reports findings that indicate that across waves of data collection, children express a sense of belonging in their foster homes, providing great utility in evaluative efforts that include listening to the voices of the children by encouraging their participation in case planning and service evaluation.
Mercy is expanding energy management efforts at its hospitals by using eSight energy management software to streamline energy data collection and monitor gas, electric and water usage to target areas for savings.
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