Sentences with phrase «data destruction»

It provides data destruction that is considered sufficient for many government agencies.
And that procurement of data destruction, as they are about to find out to their cost, is a criminal offense.
They mention on the recycling website that all units are sent to a secure facility where the device will undergo «secure data destruction».
Chandler explains: «Essentially, EN 15713 ensures that companies providing data destruction services are doing so in a secure manner which provides maximum security for end - users» information.
This should be done through the use of a secure data destruction company that complies with EN 15713, to ensure that it is disposed of properly and is irretrievable.
Trade associations and self - regulatory groups also should be more proactive in providing guidance to their members about retention and data destruction policies.
The tapes were supposed to be destroyed by Fuji Xerox, a contractor that offers data destruction services, it reported.
We can arrange for assets to go through an e-waste processes and provide data destruction certificates upon processing which confirm the recycling conducted.
«Schools need to safeguard the individuals that they hold data on by ensuring that documents are shredded by a reputable data destruction company.
The BSIA's Information Destruction section was a key player in the development of EN 15713 and helped to provide specifications on how the processes should be handled within the secure data destruction industry.
The standard requires that premises used for confidential data destruction must have an administration office where the necessary records and documentation is kept for conducting business, which should be isolated from other business or activities on the same site.
Many electronic recyclers will guarantee data destruction as part of their services, but others will not, meaning you would want to wipe your hard drive data before turning it over to the facility.
H / T to RiskAnalytics for the link to this interesting analysis of the growing cyber-risk insurance market on CIO Dive: A fast - growing market Currently, first - party insurance products cover losses associated with data destruction, denial of service attacks, theft and extortion.
Ransomware — a malware that infects computers (and mobile devices) and restricts their access to files, often threatening permanent data destruction unless a ransom is paid — has reached epidemic proportions globally.
The market is being driven down at the cost of security, meaning companies are happy to take a risky approach to the procurement of data destruction services, even knowing the consequences of a data breach.
Essentially, EN 15713 ensures that companies providing data destruction services are doing so in a secure manner which provides maximum security for end - users» information.
USA About Blog ERI specializes in the environmentally safe and socially responsible dismantling of electronic waste and ensures 100 % data destruction and compliance.
The final two stages involve ongoing managed services and end of life solutions, which range from recycling and disposal to data destruction.
The standard covers a number of key aspects of a data destruction service, from premises to personnel and a company providing data destruction services will need to meet these requirements to comply with the standard.
Putting your data destruction needs in the hands of a company that not only complies to EN15713: 2009, but has it incorporated into their quality management system ISO 9001 and is inspected against it, is of crucial importance in ensuring the reliability of the services and products provided.
R2 (originally R2 Solutions) has been around since 2008, and focuses more on certifying the recycling process and data destruction.
R2 (originally R2 Solutions) has been around since 2008, and focuses on certifying the recycling process, data destruction and the tracking of materials throughout the recycling process.
The fellow's duties may also include document assembly, automated expungement, data destruction, expert systems, online security, or data visualization.
This session looks at how regulators and prosecutors are addressing financial crime issues, and the litigation and jurisdictional risks that arise from cyber-crime, including civil and criminal fraud, and the need for all businesses to deal with the diverse and complex issues arising from the risks of data extraction, data destruction, data manipulation and data denial.
In addition, through its global Ontrack Data Recovery business, KLDiscovery delivers world - class data recovery, email extraction and restoration, data destruction and tape management.
You can also physically destroy your hard disk — this is the real «military - grade» data destruction.
KLDiscovery delivers world - class data recovery, email extraction and restoration, data destruction and tape management.
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