Sentences with phrase «data end»

The following chart (showing five years of data ending in September 2012) obtained from TRAC (for all sentence types) illustrates just how widely divergent sentence outcomes can be in the same district:
Myles R. Allen, an author of the report and a climate scientist at Oxford University, said in an interview that such a structure could help clarify where data ends and societal and political choices begin.
Key results (noting that this is based on data ending in 2008):
But Zuck doesn't mention Trump or the election or really any of the potentially world - changing consequences of this Facebook user data ending up in the hands of political strategists hellbent on exploiting Americans» worst fears.
Among dogs, rabbit recipes are up 46 percent year over year (for data ending in October 2014), while salmon has jumped 15 percent, and exotic has achieved an eight - percent boost.
But they don't make it easy, and critics say social networks and internet companies should give users far more say about which data ends up in advertisers» hands — and when.
The move faced both political opposition in Germany and scrutiny by the U.S. government over concerns about industrial data ending up in China's hands.
The privacy of the commons is how the 270,000 Facebook users who actually downloaded the «thisisyourdigitallife» app turned into as many as 87 million users whose data ended up in the hands of a political marketing firm.
La Colombe Draft Latte has seized a 1 % share of RTD coffee sales in the US grocery category after operating for one year, according to IRI data ending Dec. 3, 2017.
Internet based services - namely messaging services - which encrypt data end - to - end have been the subject of major scrutiny over the past couple of years.
Read told The Sun it's too early to say if some of the cost - cutting measures staved off future inclusion on the list, which used fiscal data ending 2016.
Also, given the subject matter, I hope tracks by Hacktivist and Big Data end up in the game — would be quite a missed opportunity otherwise: --RRB-
The additional bias due to the HadSST2 discontinuity may be estimated from the difference between HadSST2 and HadSST3 with the new adjustments removed (at least until 2006 when the published data ends).
I have done these sort of checks for the GISS and HADCRUT data and what you find is that for the yearly data ending in 2007, there is strong sensitivity to the data set used and how many years are included out to be about 10 years or so.
To produce temperature series that were completely up - to - date (i.e. through to 1999) it was necessary to combine the temperature reconstructions with the instrumental record, because the temperature reconstructions from proxy data ended many years earlier whereas the instrumental record is updated every month.
In climate science, the failure to critically review confirming data ends up with unsubstantiated claims being amplified.
An increase in the number of satellite and drone technologies also means that there is more data ending up in archives that might be utilised as historical evidence.
The most recently collected data end, for most countries, in May or June of 1998.
In the second, and most recent ELM Trends report, the team found median partner billing rates at the «Largest 50» law firms — those with more than 750 lawyers — rose to $ 711 per hour, based on 12 months of data ending June 30, 2015.
Data - breach lawyers know something about the Dark Web too, especially since that's where a lot of the breached data ends up for sale.
Facebook recently felt some heat over the fact that its mobile app was collecting call and messaging data, so now the terms of service and privacy policy will tell you what data you end up sharing when you decide to do something like sync your phone's contacts to find friends on Facebook or contact them through Messenger.
Created endpoints and functionality for the new dashboard on the back end and engineered logic on front end pages to gather and display the data
For data ending in the year 2013, the category of marginal inconsistency extends out to 37 years and is now flirting with lengths exceeding 50 years, and trends of lengths 11 - 28, 31, 33, and 34 -LRB-!)
But Zuck doesn't mention Trump or the election or really any of the potentially world - changing consequences of this Facebook user data ending up in the hands of political strategists hellbent on exploiting Americans» worst fears.
«In a time when our data ends up in databases, people can use it for their own prurient interests,» Christopher Soghoian, principal technologist for the American Civil Liberties Union, told the Washington Post.
Infections can lead to crashes, slowness, data loss, and probably worst of all... your data ending up in the wrong hands.
Much of the data end up in registries such as FracFocus, which is overseen by state energy and water organizations.
But that data ends, personals sites online senior defeated all other places and methods of meeting people hands down.
Most of this data ends up in annual reports for specific areas to justify funding and also inform the American Library Association on lending behaviors.
Most of this data ends up in annual reports to justify funding and also inform the American Library Association on lending behaviors.
First, the Cornfield and Lewis study caught the market at a shift moment, but its data ends in February 2012.
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