Sentences with phrase «data hacks»

Lawyers have largely turned a blind eye to security and the legal industry is seen by cyber criminals as ripe for data hacks, easy breaches and the like.
Email - based security breaches don't make national news the way that corporate data hacks do, mostly because they don't affect consumer information the same way (in most cases).
As more of the medical industry goes online, the impact data hacking and internal errors will have on patient records and hospital operations will continue to grow.
Next week I've got an interview with a guy from a company that believes they have a solution to the problem of credit scores and credit report data hacks.
Equifax reported that revenue ticked up 4 % year - over-year in the third quarter to a less - than expected $ 835 million and that net income plunged 27 % to $ 96 million due to the initial costs related to the most damaging consumer data hack in US history.
We need to ensure that we build trust, transparency and joint accountability with customers to ensure that the volume of data hacks doesn't increase in a post-GDPR world.
Credit ratings agencies are going to have to get used to a new regulatory regime in the wake of the Equifax consumer data hack, a top Washington regulator said Wednesday.
The latest research from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech on the home services market — covering broadband, fixed landline and paid television — has shown the extent of the impact of the TalkTalk personal data hack in October 2015 as consumers switch to alternative suppliers.
Equifax recently introduced a new credit lock as part of its response to its massive data hack last year.
We're living in a world where high profile data hacking scandals and cybercrime attacks dominate our headlines on an almost daily basis.
The data breach, attributed to an employee who fell for a malicious «phishing» email in November, is just the latest example of a medical system infiltrated by cybercriminals — and you should expect to see even more health care data hacks in the coming years.
«TalkTalk continues to offer some of the most attractive promotions across the home services market and almost a third of its new customers did choose it for this reason, but there can be no doubt that it lost potential customers following the major data hack.
In 2015, you witnessed major high - profile security breaches and data thefts, like the 9.7 gigabyte data hacked from Ashley Madison — the data of 32 million users was exposed along with 7 years of credit card and other payment transaction details.
Equifax, the U.S. credit - scoring firm that experienced a giant data hack in 2017, said on March 28 that it had hired Mark Begor as its new chief executive, effective April 16.
And in the last few weeks, details emerged of two of the biggest data hacks ever: the US credit reporting agency Equifax revealed that tens of millions of people's personal data had been stolen from it, and Yahoo admitted that a large hack in 2013 had compromised all of its 3 billion users» accounts.
But this week, in perhaps the most personal of the recent data hacks, dating website Adult Friend Finder (a service for those looking for casual friendships and sexual hook - ups), has announced that its customer data has also been breached.
The session «will provide useful insights into important «known unknowns» while also showing how creative data hacks can help expand our understanding of the business.»
Are you more concerned about repaying your student loan debt or getting your personal data hacked through Facebook or another website you use?
Are you more concerned about repaying your student loan debt or getting your financial data hacked (i.e. credit card information) in a similar scenario to the recent breaches of Orbitz and Lord & Taylor?
By contrast, a security freeze on your credit report doesn't bind you to an arbitration clause, meaning you can sue the bureau in the event of, say, a huge data hack.
Over the last several months we've seen data hacks and climate systems harm the financial security of many with little to no notice.
temp you hired, while your office manager was on materinity leave; ANYONE with a Password can hack your data
Paul Motion, partner and head of the Data Protection Defence Team at leading independent Scottish law firm BTO Solicitors, commented: «The fine of course relates to TalkTalk's much publicised data hack on 21 October 2015.
This means that recent examples, such as Equifax's slow disclosure of a large data hack won't wash with the ICO.
Mr. Kronenberger, who represented three individuals in relation to the widely publicized anonymous theft, following a ransom demand, of private consumer data from the adultery website and dating service, Ashley Madison, answers the question — should companies pay data hacking ransoms?
Facebook said the feature was developed after the Sony Corp. data hack in 2014, which exposed a trove of sensitive internal communications.
In South Korea, many cryptocurrency exchanges including Bithumb have been subject to various data hacking attack in the previous couple of years while in other nations like UK, Europe and USA, these number of breaches have been relatively much lesser in number.
Avoiding Debit Card Theft In addition to data hacks such as at Uber that should worry consumers about their personal information being used by fraudsters, criminals can hide skimmer devices inside gas station pumps to steal credit and debit card information.
So GDPR is unlikely to affect the conviction rates for data hacks and cyber-related crime.
Expect the effects of the massive data hack to linger well into 2018.
Credit ratings agencies are going to have to get used to «a new regime» in the wake of the Equifax consumer data hack, a top Washington regulator said Wednesday.
In both instances, the majority of student debtors were more concerned about repaying their student loan debt than either getting their financial or personal data hacked.
I've been telling victims of the Equifax data hack (everyone?)
NPR's tech reporters discuss Facebook, data hacks and automation, and other top issues.
If you have had your data hacked in most cases it's irritating, but even if your data is sold on the black market, most consumers will not have to pay for any of the fraudulent transactions.
Shockingly, the U.S. has been slow to adopt the Chip but after all of the data hacking and fraud, credit card companies have become wise.
While the company says that the data hack only exposed user names, email addresses and phone numbers, it is still disconcerting.
All three classes also have access to deployable cameras which can spot and mark enemies, as well as the ability to data hack, a useful skill which can only be used on a stunned enemy.
Appleby, the offshore law firm at the centre of the data hack dubbed the «Paradise Papers», has turned to Osborne Clarke for advice as it plans legal action against The Guardian and the BBC.
Like bank robbery, data hacks, ransomware and cyber-attacks are already against the law.
Schneier, in his interview with Logikcull notes that we should all assume our vulnerability to having our data hacked.
Pinsent Masons is advising the BBC as the broadcaster and The Guardian newspaper reach a settlement with offshore law firm Appleby over the «Paradise Papers» data hack.
Why prohibiting or discouraging companies from paying ransoms is one of the best - but least likely - solutions for data hacking.
Data hacking is cheap and you can do it from a different country, so there are few risks for the people involved,» explains Karl Kronenberger, Partner at Internet - focused law firm Kronenberger Rosenfeld.
Oh, yeah, about how I heard about the data hack — I found out through Twitter.
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