Sentences with phrase «data out»

And obviously we did get a lot of data out of it.
So I'm pretty sure there's plenty out of data out there on this measure.
Another area where corporate partners could be important is in developing devices for getting data out of the nervous system and developing new therapies for disease conditions.
There are just too much data out there showing the problems.
Which is a shame, because if they got the questions right, we could get some good data out of them.
That way they can extend land surface air temperature data out over the oceans, and land surface air temperature data are much more volatile than sea surface temperature data.
A closer examination of the first entry in a three - part series reveals a disturbing pattern of cherry - picking facts, ignoring others and taking data out of context.
There's tons of companies they gave data out to that don't exist anymore, tons and tons of those.
If we break these expenditure data out by state, the story hardly changes.
Unfortunately, there isn't a lot of reliable data out there about the Quick Ratio and how SaaS companies can use it to benchmark their own performance.
First and foremost, addressing this blind spot requires schools getting good, actionable data out of online - learning programs.
Really, we are pretty focused on the first two of those use cases with helping people extract data out of a lot of contracts.
There is a gold mine of consumer data out there that enables marketers to target users with relevant, personalized messages.
Once you can do that, you can take advantage of that quantum connection to beam data out of your quantum computer and get it exactly where you need it.
There's a lot of distracting data out there, and you cut through all of it in this article.
They no longer analyze common assessment data out of compliance.
There's also tons of crash test data out there.
With this fund being brand new, there is not a lot of data out yet on how it will perform or what dividend yield will be.
Taking look at manufacturing, personal income & spending, or housing, you can see some interesting data out there.
I set out to help innovate in an industry that targets the most valuable travelers in the world, but that didn't have the most valuable data out there.
There's not much sulfate concentration data out there, but there is some.
That is: Is there ice sheet melting data out there that was not published because it seemed inconsistent with sea level data?
In other words, the firm must identify ways to take physical touches of law firm data out of the process.
Sense doesn't track heart rate or how often you breath, so you're not going to get much medical data out of it.
Too often executive resumes are designed to push data out to a general employer audience, a job search method which is rarely effective.
There just isn't enough factual data out there right now to say that it should or should not be done.
It is always wise to give the appraiser all of the available data out there.
It enables firms to easily get data out of the Firm Manager system.
There's not much data out there to suggest that states without technology plans are indeed engaging in focused instructional planning that considers how technology might support student - centered learning.
There is a lot of data out there now to support what you are saying in regards to cellphone market share.
It's impossible to get data out of them.
At the time we deployed this sensor in 2003 technology did not exist to get data out from the ice - covered ocean.
Can a multinational corporation effectively put data out of reach for U.S. discovery by relocating the data (or even some of its operations) to a foreign affiliate?
Because he said he wanted «to get good, clean, and consistent data out in the world so others can find new ways to explore and gain knowledge from it.»
Not surprisingly, given the aforementioned positive economic data out of China, the basic materials stocks are getting some buying interest this morning.
Clearly Good E-Reader hasn't been privy to all the publishing sales data out there so maybe add a caveat next time that states that these are just your opinions based on the incomplete information provided, then, list the statistics outlets... Then you might seem to be more credible and your opinion more valuable.
Looking at this week's Cambridge Analytica and Facebook scandal, it's easy to see the benefits of keeping data out of the hands of powerful intermediaries.
Then we had this really nice surprise, which is that there are tons of people who spend tons of time reviewing contracts and it has nothing to do with the M&A or... Another thing we were thinking about when we started out was maybe people pulling data out of their contracts out of leases, but it's like so much broader than that.
Breaking the 2004 data out into percentiles, this was the distribution:
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