Sentences with phrase «data period»

The cooling effect of volcanoes and cyclical shifts in ocean currents can have a greater negative impact on the accuracy of shorter data periods.
Perhaps he can no magic up a longer data period (which, I suppose is short in climate terms but, JFC, don't just dismiss it).
After the El Nino transient, we have had the most rapid cooling in the whole satellite data period.
Here are the returns in terms of the percentage earnings yield 100E10 / P over the entire data period.
You're pretty smooth Anu; the Levitus 2009 paper sees «plenty of ocean warming»; I suggest you look at Fig S9 of that paper; and I note you haven't commented on the 2003 spike in OHC which must be a transition error and contributes 1/2 of all OHC over the whole data period.
Actual sales vary with day, week and season (think Christmas), and the January / February data period includes Spring semester textbook sales.
«Apple saw something of a rebound in Urban China in the July data period, with share up 5.1 % to 19.3 %.
Data periods varied by measure, but each instrument referred to contemporaneous exposures; some measures asked caregivers about events in the prior year or in the prior 6 months.
Year 10 P / E10 Real Return Year 20 P / E10 Real Return Year 30 P / E10 Real Return Here are the returns in terms of P / E10 over the entire data period.
The data period of that study was from 1970 - 2006.
I made sure that the data periods were non-overlapping, and long enough that data corrections would induce little bias.
And how you smoothed your curves until the end of the data period.
If you have to cherry - pick your data period to get to your result, your method is not robust and the result is not meaningful at all.
And since we are in essence just comparing linear trends, it doesn't matter whether we peg those together at the beginning (in 1990) or in the middle of the data period.
Jones answered honestly, if a bit clumsily, that the data period since 1995 is marginally too short to derive a statistically significant trend, a response which was headlined by the Daily Mail as «Climategate U-turn as scientist at centre of row admits: There has been no global warming since 1995?»
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